نصرالله يطل وسط جماهير عاشوراء: سلاحنا يزداد يوماً بعد يوم

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أطل الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله، علناً وسط الجماهير المشاركة في ذكرى عاشوراء في الضاحية الجنوبية، قائلاً "أحببت أن أكون بينكم لعدة دقائق".

وشدد نصرالله على التمسك بالمقاومة وبسلاحها، معلناً أن عدد المقاومة يزداد يوماً بعد يوم وكذلك سلاحها.

وأعلن في خطاب ختام مسيرة العاشر من محرم في الضاحية الجنوبية اليوم الثلاثاء أن "من يفكر بنزع الأسلحة الثقيلة لـ"حزب الله" فهو يريد أن يقدم لاسرائيل ما فشلت عن تحقيقه خلال حرب تموز".

وقال نصرالله أن "هذه المقاومة في لبنان ستبقى وتستمر ولن تتمكن منها كل المؤامرات والحروب النفسية" وأضاف أن "كل العائلات والأحزاب اللبنانية تمتلك السلاح، ولم نرى يوماً في الخلافات الصغيرة الداخلية استعمال للأسلحة الثقيلة".

وشدد على السلم الأهلي في لبنان ومحاربة أي فتنة وأي محاولة لزرعها بين اللبنانيين.

ودعا الى "معالجة الخلل الحكومي" وتابع "نعيد التأكيد على أحقية وأهمية مطالب تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" ونطالب (رئيس الحكومة نجيب) ميقاتي بتنفيذ مسؤولياته".

وطالب بـ"معالجة ملف شهود الزور ورفع الظلم عمن طالهم"

وأعلن نصرالله "منذ العام 1988 أخذنا المبادرة ولم نكترث للمجتمع الدولي، وبمقاومتنا سناحفظ على أرضنا وكرامتنا ولن يحول بيننا وبين أداء هذا الواجب وهذه المسؤولية أية متغيرات ووقائع وتهديدات".

وتطرق في حديثه الى الوضع قي سوريا، معلناً دعم "حركات المقاومة السورية ومعالجة كل أسباب الفساد في سوريا" ولكنه أشار الى أن "هناك من لا يريد السلم الأهلي والحوار في سوريا بل يريد أن يدمرها ويعوض عن هزيمته في العراق".

وقال "الحقيقة أنه المطلوب في سوريا نظام خيان عربي و نظام توقيع عربي على بياض لأميركا واسرائيل وليس اصلاح وقمع الفساد".

وأكد أن ما جرى ويجري في العراق من انسحاب الجيش الأميركي دليل على هزيمة كبيرة للادارة الأميركية. هنأ الشعب العراقي الذي "جعل الدم ينتصرعلى السيف من جديد".

وأعلن نصرالله عن أن "ما نخشاه، أنه في ظل انشغال الشعوب العربيّة بمشاكلها الداخليّة أن تغتنم إسرائيل الفرصة من أجل الإنقضاض على بيت الله (أي فلسطين)، وهذه ستكون أكبر حماقة ترتكبها منذ إنشاء هذا الكيان الغاصب".

وتابع "يجب أن نذكر الى أن التهديد الحقيقي لهذه الأمة (الأمة العربية) هو المشروع الأميركي- الاسرائيلي، مشيراً الى أن "اسرائيل هي أداة الادارة الأميركية وليست حليفتها لتنفيذ المشروع الأميركي". وقال أنه في زمن الئيس الأميركي باراك اوباما تحولت "الـ CIA الى عملاء صغار في خدمة أمن اسرائيل".

وكان نصرالله قد أطل آخر مرة علنا، لدقائق في مسيرة عاشوراء في كانون الثاني في 2008 في الضاحية الجنوبية.

وكذلك في احتفال جماهيري في الضاحية الجنوبية بعد عملية تبادل أسرى بين اسرائيل وحزب الله شملت خمسة أسرى لبنانيين كانوا في السجون الاسرائيلية مقابل رفات جنديين اسرائيليين كان أسرهما حزب الله العام 2006، ما تسبب بحرب استمرت 33 يوماً وتسببت بمقتل أكثر من 1200 شخص في الجانب اللبناني معظمهم مدنيون وأكثر من 160 اسرئيلياً معظمهم جنود.

وسبق ذلك ظهور علني لنصرالله في "احتفال النصر" بعد انتهاء حرب تموز في 2006.

ويتحدث نصرالله عادة عبر شاشة عملاقة خلال الاحتفالات الجماهيرية، أو عبر شاشة التلفزيون.

  • 12:13 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: أخذنا المبادرة ولم نكترث للمجتمع الدولي وبمقاومتنا سناحفظ على أرضنا وكرامتنا ولن يحول بيننا وبين أداء هذا الواجب وهذه المسؤولية أية متغيرات ووقائع وتهديدات

  • 12:12 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: لن نتخلى عن سلاحنا حتى عبر الحوار

  • 12:10 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: من يفكر أن ينزع الأسلحة الثقيلة لحزب الله فهو يريد أن يقدم خدمة لاسرائيل التي فشلت خلال حرب تموز عن فعله

  • 12:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: كل العائلات والأحزاب اللبنانية تمتلك السلاح

  • 12:07 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: نتمسك بالمقاومة وبسلاحها. والمقاومة يزداد عددها من رجال وأسلحة يوماً بعد يوم

  • 12:07 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: هذه المقاومة في لبنان ستبقى وتستمر ولن تتمكن منها كل المؤامرات والحروب النفسية

  • 12:05 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: نطالب بمعالجة ملف شهود الزور ورفع الظلم عمن طالهم

  • 12:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: ندعو الى معالجة الخلل الحكومي ونعيد التأكيد على أحقية وأهمية مطالب تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" ونطالب ميقاتي بتنفيذ مسؤولياته

  • 12:03 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: كل ما يحصل في البلد حزب الله هو المتهم الرئيسي ولكن هذا أمر جيد اذ أنه دليل على أن حزب الله هو جلّ ما يشغل بال البعض

  • 12:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: نصرّ على السلم الأهلي ومحاربة أي فتنة لبنانية

  • 12:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: نحن لا نتعاطى مع الشأن اللبناني على أنه جزيرة منعزلة وسط ما يجري في المنطقة

  • 11:59 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله:الحقيقة أنه المطلوب في سوريا نظلم خيان عربي و نظام توقيع عربي على بياض لأميركا واسرائيل وليس اصلاح وقمع الفساد

  • 11:55 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: هناك من لا يريد السلم الاهلي والحوار في سوريا ويريد أن يدمرها ويعوض عن هزيمته في العراق

  • 11:55 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: ندعم حركات المقاومة السورية ونحن مع معالجة كل أسباب الفساد في سوريا

  • 11:54 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: نهنئ الشعب العراقي الذي جعل الدم ينتصرعلى السيف من جديد

  • 11:50 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: ما جرى ويجري في العراق هو هزيمة كبيرة للادارة الأميركية

  • 11:46 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: فلسطين يجب أن تكون الهدف الأساسي لنا

  • 11:46 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: نحن نراهن على وعي الشعوب العربية

  • 11:45 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: ما نخشاه أنه في ظل انشغال الشعوب العربيّة بمشاكلها الداخليّة أن تغتنم إسرائيل الفرصة من أجل الإنقضاض على بيت الله، وهذه ستكون أكبر حماقة ترتكبها منذ إنشاء هذا الكيان الغاصب

  • 11:43 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: الادارة الأميركية فشلت في مشروعها يإقامة شرق أوسط جديد لذا هي تحاول اثارة الفتنة

  • 11:42 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: اسرائيل هي أداة الادارة الأميركية وليست حليفتها لتنفيذ المشروع الأميركي

  • 11:41 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: الادارة الأميركية هي العدو الحقيقي

  • 11:41 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: في زمن اوباما تحولت الـ CIA الى عملاء صغار في خدمة أمن اسرائيل

  • 11:38 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: يجب أن نذكر الى أن التهديد الحقيقي لهذه الأمة هو المشروع الأميركي- الاسرائيلي

  • 11:13 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله نقول لكل الذين يراهنون على اخافتنا او تهديدنا نحن اصحاب الامام الحسين الذي يقول هيهات من الذلة

  • 11:13 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

    السيد نصرالله: احببت ان اكون بينكم لعدة دقائق

التعليقات 44
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 11:43 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

and we are the followers imam HANNIBAAL

Missing youssefhaddad 12:12 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Again, Nassrallah tries to exploit the emotions of the masses in order to promote his Iranian agenda.
While Iran and Syria are the main igniters of sectarian strifes, especially in Iraq and Lebanon, Nassrallah still uses the old accusations against the US to excite the gullible crowds and regain their confidence in Hezbollah.
Hopefully more will see through this man and understand that he drafted the Lebanese to preserve the Iranian regime and its twisted sectarian ideology.

Thumb geha 12:15 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Ashoura: the day when the shiites fled away from battle leaving Hussein alone in the battlefield t die. for the shiites, it is a sad memory when they acted as cowards, and for the sunnis it is a day when they won the war.
and today, the rat came out of his hole for a while, assuring he will die alone as he knows his followers will leave him alone in his battle like they did in the past for Hussein.

Default-user-icon Observor (ضيف) 12:23 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

"........ we are the followers of Imam Al hussein"....and so what ...you sectarian hateful dictator? I am sure Imam Hussein will disavow you and your likes.

The Iraqi resistance....? what Iraqi resistance...... You welcomed the Americans with open arms along with your shiite brethren and established a shiite regime worse than the one that existed under Saddam.
Stop talking about Israel and your resistance of it: You are the number one collaborator and protector of Israel.... What happened to the Shabaa farms that you you use as an excuse to hold onto your murderous weapons?
The Lebanese people are tired of you and your poisonous sectarian agenda..... May God not rest your soul....!

Missing youssefhaddad 12:28 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

What does a political conflict that happened over 1300 years ago have to do with religious beliefs?
How could the sectarian ills be cured with the insistance of carrying on with fights that are centuries old?
When will all this nonsense end?

Default-user-icon Leih (ضيف) 12:28 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Nasrallah: We won’t give up our arms even through dialogue.

.... well, this attitude of arrogance should and will end soon. Does Nassrallah know that most of the non-shiite lebanese hope that he and his hizb of thugs will be wiped out soon, be it Israel or the devil.

Thumb geha 12:30 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

the problem is they lost that war then because the shiites fled the battle ground. so logically they should blame themselves and not others for that :)

Default-user-icon جمال جهاد (ضيف) 12:47 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

هل هذا مقطع فيديو تم إنتاجه أم صور معدلة على الفوتوشوب؟؟ لأن هناك بعض الشوائب بين صورته ومرافقيه من جهة وبين الموجودين من جهة أخرى... إلا طبعا إذا كان بصري يخدعني... وهذا ممكن.

Default-user-icon Leb (ضيف) 13:12 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

His hypocracy says it all as shown below:

Nasrallah: The real security problem in the country is the arms found in the hands of all Lebanese.

Nasrallah: We won’t give up our arms even through dialogue.

Default-user-icon the truth (ضيف) 13:14 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

this treasonous portal calls zionist entity "the jewish state" although lebanon did not recognize it.

Default-user-icon the truth (ضيف) 13:16 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

and as for the comments from the 2 "individuals" we all know you come from jewish propaganda center

Default-user-icon Ahmad (ضيف) 13:28 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

To Geha: Please know your information properly before you say things that are as pathetic as you are. Ashoura is not for shiites, sunnis, christians, muslims, it is for everyone. It symbolizes the ongoing battle between good and evil, and how one must never submit to anyone but God, and how even when outnumbered by evil, you must stand proud and tall and fight it and refuse to bow down, it symbolizes a cause that is against tyrants that are till this days like leeches, worms, and rats that crawl out of their holes and always in the end crawl back where they came from. This applies to the Satanic Western Governments and the Cowardly Arab countries (and when I say Western Governments I mean Western Governments not the people) look around you how in almost all western countries there are countless protests every day against their governments. And please correct your ignorant information, during Imam Hussein's lifetime, there were no Shiites or Sunnis.

Default-user-icon Ahmad (ضيف) 13:35 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

And I advise you to purify your tongue or cut it off before you dare speak about a great man like Sayed Hassan. Ashoura's remembrance is done every year to remind mankind everywhere of a great cause that once ensued so that we can oppose the tyrants of today. But it is people like you and these tyrants that use this occasion and many others to further "Divide and Conquer" Sects and Religions. During Ashoura there were those that Stood with Imam Hussein, those that stood against, and those that didn't interfere, but how you are able to conclude that those the didn't interfere or as you say "ran away" are those that today "regret" it is beyond my knowledge. But in the end, ignorance has become so abundant, so I understand where you are coming from.

Default-user-icon Ahmad (ضيف) 13:45 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

To Youssef Haddad: "Iran and Syria are the igniters of Sectarian strife" "Nasrallah is still using the old US accusation" What world do you live in? Everyday and Every minute the US government is committing injustices and crimes against humanity and you are saying he is using the "Old accusations" do you know what I find shameful? Many US citizen are now protesting against their government, and these are real Americans, not American wannabes. And here you are (a Lebanese nonetheless) acting as if Iran and Syria are the bad guys? You Sir, are a product of this sectarian division you talk about, a sectarian division that has been accomplished by Zionists, and not Syria or Iran. If you call yourself a Lebanese then I am ashamed of calling myself one

Default-user-icon Ahmad (ضيف) 13:52 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Tell me something, who was behind the Sykes-Picot agreement? If your history reminds you, Condeleza Rice, during the 2006 July War in Lebanon, claimed "this was the birth of the new middle east". They never hide their intentions about what they intend to to do with the Middle East, but throughout history and till now, their strategy has been the same "Divide and Conquer", so here you are claiming that those reponsible for the sectarian strife are "Iran and Syria". Truly we Lebanese and Arabs deserve to be conquered and enslaved, how can we expect the West to respect us, when we don't even respect ourselves.
P.S. The followers are not "Gullible", they believe in a cause that you apparently are not qualified to comprehend.

Default-user-icon Libnanie (ضيف) 14:57 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

"The real security problem in the country is the arms found in the hands of all Lebanese, he told his supporters"...so, I guess he wants everybody to be disarmed except his thugs. That way they can continue to push the Lebanese around. He wishes!

Missing allouchi 15:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Nousralla, ..."You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting"...

Missing allouchi 15:05 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Nousralla, Why don't you understand that most Lebanese don't want your type of resistance. Why you keep forcing it on us? No dialogue with people like you that refuse to disarm and their loyalty is clearly with Syria and Iran...

Missing peace 15:14 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

dahiye looked like tehran today....

Default-user-icon Anti (ضيف) 15:47 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

The devil incarnation ....!

Default-user-icon Anti Metwali (ضيف) 15:50 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

@Metwali: I hate filth like you, your leader, and all what u represent.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 15:58 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

The rapist of Beirut speaks of more weapons. I am glad he came out of his rat hole though......it is a sign of desperation, and gives snipers a chance.

Default-user-icon Flubby (ضيف) 16:38 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Gabby, do you need proof here also? Did the Iranians respond to your request (as well as that from thepatriot, peace and all the pieces of ...cake) for proof re. their claim about the downed US spy plane? Do you want me to get involved or have not lost faith in them yet? Let me know how I can assist.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 16:39 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

THE arsenal is growing becose they are hastily removing all the depots from syria assad.....why do u think?

Thumb commonsense 17:03 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

For the love of God or Jesus or Mohamed or Omar or Ali, I, a lebanese citizen, not Irani, not Saudi, nor Amercani Israeli, beg u to stop for a moment and look back at the way we keep humiliating & degrading eachother, as if we hv nothin better to do, as if we have built the perfect nation & now we have all the time for these pointless debates! Wake up people, and stop this nonsense, coz wallah, no religion in the world approves of this!

Missing youssefhaddad 17:15 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

What makes a nation great is not its military arsenal, look at the Soviet Union in its miltary superiority times, but its free people who live in dignity.
Show mw the dignity of those who send their children to beg on street intersections. Show me the dignity of those who send their children to work instead of school. Show me the dignity of those who have to kiss the feet of leaders to get a job or assistance...Where is the dignity in a country where people are terrorized into accepting others ideologies.
Instead of spending money on weapons, spend them on the poeple. No one can defeat a nation whose people is free...

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 17:20 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

We have two issues and two realities. A group wanting to stay with Syria and Iran no matter what, another group wanting to ally with Europe/US/Arabs.
Solution: Cyprus. (Turkish and Greek Cyprus)
Divide the Country into South/Bekaa or West belonging to Hezbollah, The rest belongs to the M14 including Beirut.
Transfer arms and money from Iran and Syria from now until 2099, but do not go near Beirut and Infrastructure as it is the responsibility of the state or Lebanese Republic.

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 17:37 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Wow! What are his accomplishments? muzzling the most enlightened and intellectually sophisticated Shia community in the world, reared in freedom and democracy, into N Korean-type brainless followers brainwashed into leader worship and culture of hate and blind obedience to protect the repressive regime/Grand Inquisitor in Tehran? How else could he prevent the spark of freedom from Lebanese Shia to reach and transform Iran's dark ages. As his masters in Iran, he derives support from intellectually challenged individuals incapable of free thinking and dependent on degrading subsidies in exchange of loyalty. This is how Basij were created. Their blind loyalty was tested in brutally repressing the Green Revolution of the free in 2009. But times of Tyrants and the like of Nassrallah and Ahmadinajad is gone. They are all dead men walking. Green Revolution II is coming soon. Supporters may build a statue of liberty in Tehran square after freeing the great Iranian nation from this nightmare.

Missing peace 17:58 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

this has nothing to do with religion , this festival of black crows is just to show their so called strenght and to intimidate lebanese. makes me think of the meetings held by the nazis to venere their fuhrer,
= loud music, parades of hundreds, tension mounting before the appearance of the leader...
just check those meetings of nazis and see the staging was the same!
or just look how the veneration of the leader is done in north korea, same thing!
any extremist party does the same, nothing new under the sun!

that s no religion, but mere fanatism and politics...

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 18:05 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

Wow! So this is his divine plan for victory? more weapons and solidarity with criminal regimes in Syria and Iran? Hasn't he already led Lebanese Shia to the abyss, building mountains of rockets and valleys of hate and distrust. Exactly opposite of Imam Sadr's productive and inclusive spirit. Someone should remind Nassrallah that while he build bunker for his rockets exposing villages to destruction and economic abandonment for the sake of his imaginary victories, maybe he should compete with Jews on other grounds: Zukerman's Facebook, Grove's Intel, Ballmer's Microsoft, Brin's Google... to name a few, not to mention 1 in 5 Nobel Laureate is Jewish, a worldwide community less than one fifth of Iran's population. Nassrallah is causing Shia serious harm that takes generations to fix. He has created an iron curtain of hate, destruction and backwardness; and made Lebanese Shia stranger to their own culture, living in a black hole of oppression where freedom and democracy never shine!

Thumb geha 18:59 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

please go back and learn your religion and history :)
do not try to portray Ashoura as being good v/s evil (i.e. the good being you the shiites?) as this is absolutely not the case.
the shiites rituals of bloodying themselves is due to thei remorse for leaving hussein in the battlefield while they ran away..
please, at least historical facts are what they are, so do not try to portray them differently...

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 19:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

For Gad's sake who gives a damn what have happened and will happen in Iraq or Iran and even in Syria. We care about what will happen in Lebanon. And with the firing power of nassralah we are certainly on a collision raod with the west and Israel which doesn't bode well for lebanon. nassralah has linked us to Syria and Iran and now to Iraq and God know what else in the future. We are a small country and have no resources or power to deal with bigger and harder issues of bigger countries, let alone make any difference other than bringing destruction on us from our stupid thinking. I sense that nasrallah is realising that his end is near as the regime is Syria is in teh throws of destruction. He's boxed and is trying to vent out but unsuccessfully. For instance, why should he brag that his forces are powerful and in contrl? If this is true he should not say anything because the reality on the ground says a million words. It's only that he realises that things are not really good

Missing applesandoranges 19:10 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

By staying out of the STL's funding, Nasrallah proved to the world how weak he truly is.

Missing youssefhaddad 22:28 ,2011 كانون الأول 06

This is the true enemy, thriving on gullibility and perpetuating ignorance. Hezbollah have dragged back the Lebanese Shias into the dark ages.
Hezbollah have aligned Lebanon with an extremist sectarian ideology and took the country to the wrong side of history.
Hezbollah is the enemy of a free and pluralistic lebanon. nassrallah declared on many occasions that the "AlWali alfaqeeh" is his true master. He should made aware that we do not accept this tutelage and we will fight it ferociously.

Default-user-icon Vido Pinny (ضيف) 00:17 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

This guy is THE MAN. In comparison, all of the cheikhs, kings and emirs of the Arab world combined do not amount to the even the tip of his private member.

Default-user-icon moonsear (ضيف) 01:24 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

smelly_demon have you noticed that groundhog hassin did not mention the grenades that the Ashura concussed saints use to settle personal differences. So I guess he thinks that you can keep yours, but please smelly, never use it to smash your brain in on Ashura it could detonate and blast your mcbrain off then you'll have walk around looking like hassin with a blown up brain covering turban and that's UGLY!

Default-user-icon jsinton (ضيف) 02:27 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

What a comedian. Almost as funny as Fox News.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 04:34 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

The party who preaches civil peace is the one that takes guns and occupies Beirut. The fall of the pro western dictators was the people but the fall of the Syrian dictator is a US conspiracy. So many lies that it's laughable. No doubt he showed up in public to boost morale in a party that's watching its closest ally next door is falling apart and its organization has been penetrated by the CIA and Iran is having explosions every week.

Default-user-icon Leb (ضيف) 08:58 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

Oh no! sweating_demon just disproved my argument by totally ignoring it, skipping over it and correcting a spelling mistake instead.

I got no problem with one religion or another because they're all meaningless to me. I also don't have a problem with resisting foreign agressors regardless of their nationality and religion. What I have a problem with are political parties whose system is based on relgious beliefs. Parties that give shelter, not to say also involved with, people who build houses illegaly and then bully the media and the police away from the area. Parties that flex their muscles on the street when things don't go as planned. Parties that close parliment for months when they know the vote won't go their way. Parties that solely decide whether the country as a whole goes to war or not. Parties that invade areas of their own country and then use it as a threat to intimidate others. The list goes on an on...

Default-user-icon ASSAAD123 (ضيف) 12:19 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

هل قال أنه لا يأبه برأي اللبنانين وأنه ينفذ أوامر الله أو انني أحلم ؟؟؟؟

Default-user-icon Leb (ضيف) 12:47 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

Good job making an assumption and basing your argument on it.

Where did I say that I'm a supporter of the muslim brotherhood in Syria or anywhere else in the world. I'm not even a muslim...

I do agree that the current syrian regime is pro minorities and that's a good thing. However, this fact doesn't justify the flaws and mistakes of this regime whether domestic or external. Frankly, I don't give a crap what happens inside Syria as long as the regime there doesn't interfere in lebanese afairs and deals with Lebanon as another Syrian province.

Granted, whichever regime takes over after Assad might do the exact same thing or worst and I would be against that too regardless of its religion or affiliations.Having said that, this possibility shouldn't constitute a fear of change. It is natural that every system change comes with its own fears and risks. Sometimes, things work out and sometimes they don't. If they don't, then the new equally bad or worst system will be replaced as well.

Default-user-icon lebfoshore (ضيف) 16:29 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

They want their cake and eat it too. All supporters of M8 have a militia mentality. If you are against them, you will die.

Thumb shab 21:33 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

Go back to your hole you sissy whimp

Thumb shab 21:42 ,2011 كانون الأول 07

Ahmad, I will shit on your Hasson Nuslala your ashoura, your mehdi floating in the sky , your khomeni, khamanay and all the other black turbaned devils