الحريري: إسرائيل وحزب الله وايران هم فقط من يدافعون عن النظام السوري

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إستغرب رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري كيف أن "لبنان هو الدولة الوحيدة التي تدافع عن النظام السوري إلى جانب إسرائيل" إلى جانب إيران معلقا "يا لها من ممانعة".

وقال الحريري في دردشة عبر موقع "تويتر" للتواصل الإجتماعي مساء الأربعاء:"موقف لبنان في الجامعة العربية أخذ بعين الاعتبار مصالح سوريا (...) إسرائيل وحزب الله وايران هم فقط من يدافع عن النظام السوري".

ورأى في تخوف رئيس المجلس النيابي نبيه بري من حرب أهلية أنه "تهويل لمصلحة النظام السوري".

وإذ أعلن تأييده لمدينة طربلس منزوعة السلاح لفت إلى أن "السلاح يجب أن يكون في يد الجيش فقط ويجب ان يسلم حزب الله سلاحه للحكومة".

وعن الانفجارين اللذين وقعا في صور اليوم، رأى الحريري انهما "رسالة سياسية وهذا يبرر اعتقادي بأن القوى الامنية هي من يجب السيطرة على الوضع الأمني".

واستنكر الحريري الاعتداء على مطرانية الروم الارثوذكس في بيروت، مشددا على ضرورة معرفة الفاعلين في أسرع وقت.

ورأى الحريري انه يجب فرض عقوبات على اسرائيل لخرقها القرارات الدولية، مشيرا الى ان الرئيس المصري السابق حسني مبارك "كان صديقا للبنان ودعم لبنان كثيرا لكننا مع الربيع العربي".

وهل ممكن حصول تحالفات مفاجئة في الانتخابات النيابية عام 2013 كالتحالف مع رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أجاب الحريري "لا".

التعليقات 9
Thumb geha 08:25 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

now that the fall of the syrian regime is clearly coming, their real friend, israel is defending their fall :)
this is clearly showing the real coalition in the region between the syro/iranian/israelis.
all the talk about resistance is just words, and the wars that happened had only one goal: diminish the economic value of Lebanon, so this coalition can control it better.
today I can advise this coalition of the formation of the new Lebanese resistance, and its actions will be starting to show very soon.
we are reclaiming our country from these thugs.

Default-user-icon yarden (ضيف) 09:06 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

How exactly is Israel supporting Syria now?

Thumb thepatriot 13:30 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

Well I am glad that mowaten and the other goon woke up from their coma...
You don't have much to say these days do you?

hahahaha... yallah enjoy yourselves with those awesome comments of yours...

Missing peace 17:21 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

isn t it sooooo funny to see that israel and the hezbollah have the same point of view!
it proves that bashar is an asset for israel and says that his removal would be a catastrophe for israel!!! ROFL!

so when iran and hezb say that bashar is a resistant against israel ROFL!!!!

israel needs bashar and the hezb which makes them allies indirectly! ROFL!!!!!!

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 17:31 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

When are people going to recognise that syria iran and hezbo are all made in israel?Nothing matters to the world but the safety of the jews. If the US wanted bashar down he would have fallen long time ago. What israel is trying to do is to find out if the after assad gov will be pro or against israel. they are buying time for bashar and when a deal is struck with the new gov assad will fall fast. Nothing will happen in the Middle east without the aproval of the jews. i dont like hariri but i have to say he is telling the truth. what kills me is the sheea in lebanon beleive every thing hassouna tells them they are led to the slaughter little by little.the us fingerprints are all over the world. hassouna and berri are the number one mossad .

Default-user-icon Bob (ضيف) 19:50 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

Don't worry...i'm sure Hassan Nasrallah, in his next speech, will have a justification for israel backing up the regime as they're doing...as they always do...they'll probably link it to the golan heights and israel's fear of losing them when bashar falls or sumthin...or they're gonna say: "see? even israel is defending syria and knows that turmoil's going to erupt if the regime falls"...in the end none of what they may say will be valid...when killing is being justified and defended...then clearly there's something fundamentally shaken..

Default-user-icon Bob (ضيف) 19:56 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

...furthermore...regardless of Saad's lack of articulation and experiance in politics...wether you all like it or not...his mere presence in the country boosts the economy automatically...why? because he makes people comfortable instead of keeping them on their nerve...back in 2008, all who opposed him were living in economic stability and improvement...and i'm pretty sure it wasn't them who were behind that...yet they attack him for trivial things such as articulation and inexperience...well...we are were we are today because whoever's ruling have had too much experience in politics that it corrupted them beyond repair...

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 20:53 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

Yes, little Hariri... Israel supports the Syrian regime and its support of the Lebanese resistance. The Israelis really fear you and the Lebanese Army who NEVER fired a shot at the Israeli occupiers and invaders. Israel is very fearful of the American Saudi puppet regime (and not Iran).

If (and that is a big if) the new regime takes over AND it is more anti Israel than the current one, then you should be more concerned then now because they will do to you what the Taliban did to American puppets. Supporting the breakup of Syria will not help you either. Your Salafist allies (sooner or later) will turn on you the way Osama bin laden turned on the Saudi royal American puppets.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 20:57 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 17

Also, for those who missed it. Little Hariri said on twitter that there is democracy and freedom in KSA!