جنبلاط يتصل بعون: نحرص على استمرار العلاقة الايجابية والتواصل

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أجرى رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط اتصالا برئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون اوضح فيه أن "الكلام الذي صدر في إحدى الصحف اللبنانية عن أنه "غدر به" غير دقيق وغير صحيح".

وذكر جنبلاط أنه "كان سبق وقدم مبادرة تتعلق بملف التعيينات الأمنية إلا أن هذه المبادرة لم يكتب لها النجاح لظروف متعددة ليس المجال لشرحها في هذا الوقت".

وأكد "جنبلاط للعماد عون حرصه على إستمرار العلاقة الإيجابية بينهما"، مشددا على ضرورة "إبقاء التواصل والتشاور الثنائي قائما والذي أثبت في المراحل السابقة فاعليته على العديد من المستويات بما يتماشى مع المصلحة الوطنية اللبنانية".

ويشن عون هجوما على الحكومة والوزراء فيها. ويصفها بـ"الانقلابية" التي تخلف القانون والدستور وتحتكر السلطة.

وهاجم أمس الثلاثاء الصحف التي تقول أن عون يهدف لتسلم الكرسي الرئاسي وتعيين "صهره" شامل روكز قائدا للجيش. وقال في هذا الاطار "أنا لم أشحد السلطة يوما".

وأمس الثلاثاء ذكرت صحيفة "السفير" أن عون غاضب في هذه الأيام وعاد ثائراً كما في البدايات. وقالت "غاضب على نبيه بري ويتهمه بالطعن في الظهر وبارتكاب الكبائر. غاضب على الحريري ويتهمه بالمخادعة، والمناورة في أكثر من استحقاق. غاضب على وليد جنبلاط ويتهمه بـ "الغدر".


التعليقات 14
Thumb -phoenix1 13:02 ,2015 تموز 08

(1). Michel Aoun is his own undoing. At a time when the nation is being challenged by a myriad of problems, Aoun choses another wild adventure into the unknown. I don't know where on earth he fished that Christian issue, but this just goes to show what an opportunist Aoun is, or an Arriviste as is called in French. Thankfully his key allies have not toed his line. Frangieh and the Marada, Sayed Hassan and Hezbollah, Berri and Amal, Tashnak, they all made their positions clear and would not support him in going to the street. Today thankfully, more and more people have come to know this lunatic well beyond any lingering doubt. They know his utter selfishness, they know his recklessness, they know what a bad planner he is and above all, they know what a coward he is.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:08 ,2015 تموز 08

(2). When I wrote sometime ago and repeated the same words again and again, that the majority of the Lebanese people do not want problems anymore, the majority of Lebanese just want to live in peace and be capable of making ends meet. Whether you hail from M8, or M14, irrespective of your sect, or creed, or gender, the parties are not here to help you, you've always been on your own as a Lebanese and you will always remain on your own. Parties will call the Lebanese to take to the streets, but what will you get but trouble and perpetual decay? Fact is and remains, we Lebanese need each other and we cannot keep fighting each other forever.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:10 ,2015 تموز 08

(3). Wisdom has finally settled with most people, yet Aoun still wishes to dream in a land where wars and conflicts never end. Ya General, you're stinking rich, you're comfortable, Winter or Summer, you'd never know the difference, but the Lebanese man and woman have loved ones to cater to, wake up, all dreams do eventually end, this one of yours now finds you on very rocky and thorny grounds and you've only got yourself and your demagogic brain to blame. We kept telling you that it's no longer 1988, nor 2005, it's 2015, try if you still have it up there in your skull ya Caporal, to understand that things do change with time, especially here in Lebanon.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:17 ,2015 تموز 08

"As Safir newspaper on Tuesday reported that Aoun had accused Jumblat of “betraying him” regarding the appointments of security officials."

Well obviously, betrayal is joumby's middle name.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:26 ,2015 تموز 08

Mowaten, only yesterday Aoun was blasting everyone, that is why he got some pretty nasty response from some of his closest supporters till hitherto. Check Wiam Wahab's response on Al Jadeed and others, Naharnet preferred to delete the posts where in posted the link, but you can find it on any social media, please watch it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:30 ,2015 تموز 08

Well that's how a free alliance works phoenix, what are you so surprised about? Of course they can disagree and sometimes exchange some jabs. Unlike m14, those who compose m8 each have their own voice and they are masters of their own decisions. They are not all pawns waiting on saudi masters to reward them with a treat when they do well reciting the same chorus.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:50 ,2015 تموز 08

Mowaten, I disagree, it is not a free alliance, the whole matter is simply based on wisdom, when a madman wants to lead, there are always people who know when the time is ripe to say NO. You guys simple said to Aoun in Russian, Nyet. Then about Saudi cash, may I suggest you turn the other side of the coin and see also about Iranian cash or what's left of it, as Iran is right now negotiating with the big Satan Amreeka in Geneva, talk of the politics of empty stomachs. What Aoun's M8 allies did for once is real wisdom, in light of the array of problems you guys are facing these days, it is the only logical choice left to you. In better days, by now you would have overran downtown Beirut again. Mowaten, not everyone has a pre-programmed brains, you see?

Missing cedars 13:31 ,2015 تموز 08

By this time next year, aoun will reach new high in votes against him and the continued war against all.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:29 ,2015 تموز 08

@barking.m14er, walah, if Mowaten and Mystic catch you, they'll cut you to pieces, what you're doing is so unfair to them, go and don't taint them anymore, in any case, your IP has been reported to the sleeping beauties of the Naharnet Mod Team. They are so good at deleting good posts, yet would not see the trolling like yours. yesterday you came up with other names, why change it today, ma it's the same IPs mou?

Thumb popeye 07:03 ,2015 تموز 09

what catch him? the trolls on this site are in the order of evilness: mowaten, flamethrower/roar, mystic.

Missing sako 15:47 ,2015 تموز 08

God has no role to play in politics except to make sure politicians go where they belong. To hell

Thumb ex-fpm 16:26 ,2015 تموز 08

راجمة وصواريخ في شوارع البقاع

You see there is a security plan in the Bekaa region and it is quite normal to drive a mobile multiple rocket launcher through the streets if you are from nasrallah's clan.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:54 ,2015 تموز 08

balad maskhara!

Default-user-icon JackTheRabit (ضيف) 17:46 ,2015 تموز 10

Dear Lebanese people,

You deserve better than these rotten politicians you have. I am talking about ALL. Jumblat, Aoun, Jaja, Frangieh, Berri, etc... EVERY SINGLE ONE of them needs to go.

Look at the quality of Lebanese people outside of Lebanon. Why not use those to build a modern and decent government? Why you keep electing the same set of monkeys and why are you so LOYAL to them? Don't you think you deserve better?