مخاوف عربية وغربية من احتمال تمدد "الدولة الإسلامية" نحو البحر لجهة عكار

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تتخوف أوساط أمنية غربية وعربية من احتمال تمدد تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" نحو الشمال عبر البحر خصوصا مع تضييق الخناق عليهم شرقا من قبل الجيشين اللبناني والسوري ومقاتلي حزب الله.

ووفق مصادر واسعة الاطلاع نشرت صحيفة "السفير" حديثها السبت "إن اجتماعات أمنية غربية ـ عربية عقدت في الآونة الأخيرة في عواصم إقليمية، منها العاصمة الأردنية، ناقشت احتمالات قيام "داعش" بمحاولة للتمدد نحو بحر الشمال اللبناني".

وهذه النقطة تحديداً ركز عليها قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي في مقابلته الأخيرة مع صحيفة "لوفيغارو" الفرنسية بإعلانه أن "داعش" يعتمد على خلايا نائمة في طرابلس وعكار وأن هذا التنظيم "يريد إقامة ممر آمن الى البحر".

وقالت المصادر أن "مسؤولا غربيا أبلغ مسؤولين لبنانيين أن هذا الاحتمال هو خط أحمر بكل ما للكلمة من معنى "ولا يمكن أن يحصل بأي شكل من الأشكال". ‎

هذا وشرحت الصحيفة أن "ما يضاعف المخاوف هي المعطيات التي تتحدث عن انتهاء وظيفة جرود عرسال العسكرية نتيجة وقوع المجموعات المسلحة بين فكي كماشة الجيشين السوري واللبناني ومعهما "حزب الله".

وعليه أشارت إلى "ازدياد الاحتمالات بأن تقدم على خيار البحث عن جبهات بديلة قد يكون الشمال اللبناني أبرزها".

وقالت "السفير" أن "أياً من الجهات السياسية أو العسكرية أو الأمنية اللبنانية لا تستطيع أن تقدر بدقة حجم هذه المجموعات المسلحة، أو أن تتعرف الى هويتها وإمكاناتها، لا سيما في ظل وجود مئات المخيمات العشوائية للنازحين السوريين في عكار".

يذكر أن تنظيمي "النصرة" و"الدولة الإسلامية" يخطفون في جرود عرسال قرابة 28 عسكريا في الجيش وقوى الأمن. وفيما ادعى "الدولة" ذبح اثنين منهما وهما علي السيد وعباس مدلج، قتلت "النصرة" الجندي محمد حمية رميا بالرصاص.


التعليقات 14
Thumb EagleDawn 09:01 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

According to As Safir newspaper published on Saturday, Arab and Western countries voiced concern.

LOL, and it is everyday that Arab and Western intelligence agencies confide in As Safir. More of the same propaganda reports. The manipulation and scare tactics are in full swing.

Default-user-icon Dre (ضيف) 09:10 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

Yeah, kinda like the be headings are manipulation and scare tactics. Those never happened . Wake up dummy.

Thumb geha 09:14 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

the possibility exists and would be dangerous.

the problem is how to stop such an expansion?
hizbushaitan actions creating frustration with all the Lebanese sects is one major problem that should stop.
election of a president might alleviate this frustration.

otherwise we can easily expect that some sunnis will turn towards these extremists to balance the odds and our army would breakup.

hizbushaitan has a lot to do to restore confidence to the Lebanese communities.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:31 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

When the Shia ministers resigned from the Saniora government, said government was deemed unconstitutional and illegal. However, the country has been without a Christian president for sometime now and the whole lebanese governance system seems to be constitutional according to Michel Aoun and Hezbullah.

Thumb geha 09:35 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

consider this:
aoun, an ex general of the army is blocking in the cabinet all negotiations to free our soldiers! I think this is enough clarification about him being patriotic :)
as I said not electing a president and blocking it is a major cause for frustration and my fear is that it will lead to more extremism and the breakup of the army.

Thumb galaxy 11:34 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

when you have weapons, you are the kingpin.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:35 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

@geha, it is a far fetched possibility. Needing an exit to the sea would be for the sake of getting arms and men and not for their love of the beach or to have a sun tan. With the Turkish border being so vast, this whole propaganda theory fails at grass roots level.

Thumb geha 09:50 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

iran is paying billions to hizbushaitan to have a foothold on the Mediterranean sea. let us not just dismiss the possibility of these extremists wanting a foothold too.
what we should worry about is how to prevent it.
you fight extremism with cohesion, but cohesion is not there anymore with the actions of hizbushaitan.

Missing theobserver 11:53 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

u stop ISIS expansion by sunnis and shia sticking together against ISIS no matter their disagreements.
so the first step is stop calling hizbullah hizbushaitan like u did in ur post, and al mustaqbal al mustahbal... or else all of us are mhabeel !
the christians differences are weakening the christians but the christians are stubborn and no one will back out for the sake of lebanon let alone the christian community.
Hope the sunnis and shiites will be more wise than the christians

Thumb geha 12:03 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

calling them this way is because their name supposes that if you are against them then you are against GOD. hope this is clear.
without a change in the attitude of the chia, things are going for the worse even with all the goodwill of moderate sunnis.

Thumb galaxy 11:36 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

As Safir is the mouthpiece of HA. They started the false statements attributed to the Patriarch. If HA wants to circulate something rest assured As Safir will be one of the conduits.

Missing peace 13:20 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

hezbollah and bashar want isis to enter akkar so it gives them a pretext to invade this region hostile to both...
so first step is to convince people that akkar is filled with isis terrorists, second step is to favor their entry, third step is to claim that only they can save akkar and invade it, no questions asked!

Missing peace 19:34 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

"One cannot rationally dissociate the Syrian regime from
terrorism. Syria provides safe haven for a myriad of terrorist
organizations, directs their operations" michel aoun

Syria has harboured financed islamists for decades and you perfectly know that and now they will not use the instrument they are so good at?
but yes the syrian regime has long stopped using terrorist organizations for the sake of their interests...

you are either naive or blinded by M8 propaganda bigjohn...

oh! and you'll find lots of more articles saying that isis are manipulated by the syrian regime that helped created it and flourished to make believe the only solution is bashar and hezbollah!

Missing .karim.- 17:55 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

So the terrorist khaliji countries that are arming and funding the FSA-Al Qaeda-ISIS salafist jihadist terrorists are now concerned?