زوجة هانيبال القذافي اللبنانية الين سكاف تعذب خادمتها

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وجد الثوار بعد دخولهم احد القصور الفخمة التابعة ل هانيبال القذافي الذي طرد من ليبيا بعد الاعتداء على زوجته في سويسرا , امرأة طريحة الفراش في احد الغرف الخاوية مشوهة الوجه ومصابة بحروق بالغة في كافة جسدها

وعند سؤالها من قبل مراسل cnn قالت ان اسمها "شويقه مولاتو" واتت من اثيوبيا كي تعمل مربية لاطفال هاينيبال القذافي وفي احد الايام قبل ثلاثة اشهر طلبت زوجة هاينيبال منها ان تضرب طفلتها

لانها لا تكف عن البكاء ولكنها رفضت امرها فما كان منها الا ان وثقت قدميها ويديها ووضعت لاصقا على فمها وصبت ماءا ساخنا على رأسها ولم تكتف بذلك بل تركتها يوما كاملا بدون طعام بينما هي تشاهد كلب العائلة وهو يأكل

وبسبب جروحها البالغة اخفتها هذه المجرمة من اعين الناس وفي يوم راها احد الخدم من الجنسيية البنغالية بهذا الشكل المأساوي واخذها الى المستشفى للعلاج وعندما علمت بذلك هددته بان لا يساعدها مرة اخرى واجبرتها على الخروج من المستشفى والعودة الى القصر

وللتذكير زوجة هانيبال هي عارضة الازياء اللبنانية الين سكاف.

التعليقات 8
Default-user-icon Minority of One (ضيف) 08:45 ,2011 أيلول 02

Are her actions really that shocking? Just take a look at how the Lebanese treat their housekeepers!

Typical Lebanese gold-digger! All that money and power has gone to her peanut-sized / money-loving "brain?"!

Her "war-paint" makeup should be enough to reflect her shallow personality (B**** with a capital "B")...

...And these are the women that are part of the continued propagation of the Lebanese race? .... We're all doomed! I'd rather go extinct!

Something to think about "ladies" ... Get your heads out of the curling irons and hairspray and get yourselves a real heart (not a gold-plated one that's covered in diamonds).

Default-user-icon ATM (ضيف) 11:02 ,2011 أيلول 02

You are ready to offend a whole nation just for the actions of the few you racist bastard!
domestic abuse is a problem in every country including Europe and America. What happened to this maid is horrible but these were the actions of an individual and not a country.

Missing th21 12:23 ,2011 أيلول 02

Maybe it is not fair to general, but it is true that this time of domestic abuse takes place much more often in the middle east (from the research that I know) than in the western areas. No need to insult the guy and call him a racist bastard :) It is also true that a sick majority of our women invest too much time looking after their appearance when they could be spending it... well by thinking more !

Thumb mrbrain 14:10 ,2011 أيلول 02

I Totally Agree With Mr Minority of One...Gold Digging is a Typical Lebanese trend....Sadly the Lebanese people adore making easy and fast money ....So cheat, steal, bribe, kickback, lie, deceive, Show off, bluff and impress are some of the Tools used by the Smart Lebanese......yes my friends smart Lebanese title is a hoax We stole it from the Swiss, the Singaporean, the Norwegian, …..Other than Gibran, Fairuz, Fatoush, Homos and Tabouleh what did we give the world? We gave the Famous Lebanese Loop…
Easy come easy go....

Default-user-icon DWAIK (ضيف) 15:03 ,2011 أيلول 02

Drag queen !

Thumb kato 16:20 ,2011 أيلول 02

Perhaps she should strive to follow the golden rule - do unto others as you would like to have done unto you.

Poor nanny - NO ONE regardless of race, religion, sex should be treated in such a fashion. Perhaps she should be made to experience what the nanny did and maybe she'll understand then.

Default-user-icon mamo (ضيف) 17:30 ,2011 أيلول 02

What is so surprising about her treatment. The Arabs are basically cruel to their house keepers, either they rape them since it is permitted in their culture, torture them, or beat the hell out of them for any infraction. One need to red some of the horror story committed by these people in the various news papers where these people came from to work in their country. This is just the tip of the iceberg. So don't be so shocked or be surprised, since is an on going thing is these Arabs countries.

I wonder if Koran permit it, since they always say it is haram to do this or that. I guess, it must be just a lip services

Default-user-icon Charbel Mokarzil (ضيف) 20:32 ,2011 أيلول 02

Mr brain you are right exept we didnt really give the world those things. Fairuz is originally syriac from turkey, tabbouli comes from aleppo in syria, hommos comes from the southern palestinian and egyptian borders, fattush origins i dont remember but they werent lebanese either. We are masters at making ourselfs look like the best arabs when in reality in many ways we are a disgrace.