سامي الجميل: حزب الله في لبنان كالصهاينة في اسرائيل

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رأى عضو كتلة "الكتائب اللبنانية" النائب سامي الجميل أن طريقة عمل حزب الله في السلطة اللبنانية تذكرنا بالنهج السوري عندما كان يحتل لبنان، معتبرا في الوقت عينه، أن الحزب يتصرف في لبنان كما تصرف الصهاينة في اسرائيل"، متهمه بالاختباء وراء كلمة مقاومة لممارسة أمور أيديولوجية، ومتوجها إليه بالقول: "لا نوافق على مشروعكم ولا على وجود سلاحكم ولا أيديولوجيتكم".

وأكد الجميل في مؤتمر صحافي عقده، أن "رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أقر أن الحكومة متمسكة بالمحكمة الدولية وملتزمة بتنفيذ كل ما يصدر عنها"، مشددا في الوقت نفسه على أن "القائم على الحكومة، أي حزب الله، ما زال يرفض وجودها ويعقد مؤتمرات صحافية ضدها في مجلس النواب، وأمينه العام حسن نصرالله يصدر مواقف حاسمة ترى أن المحكمة مسيسة ولا يعترف بها في وقت هو عضو في حكومة يعترف رئيسها بالمحكمة".

وعليه، لاحظ الجميل أن "هناك توزيع أدوار داخل الحكومة، وأن موقف حزب الله هو الحقيقي، الا انه يتم المحافظة على ماء وجه رئيس الحكومة وبعض الوزراء".

ولفت الى أن " لدى حزب الله 3 سيناريوهات، أولا أن يعلق عضوية المتهمين، ثانيا أن لا يتبناهم لكن يحميهم ويخفيهم ويقول إنه لا علم لديه بما ارتكبوه"، محذرا من أنه "اذا تبين أن هؤلاء الاشخاص متورطين يكون حزب الله يحمي المتهمين، وبالتالي يعاقب الحزب تطبيقاً لقانون العقوبات والمادة 222".

وأضاف: "أما السيناريو الثالث فهو أن يتبانهم ويحميهم عندها تكون العقوبة عليه مختلفة وتطبق المادة 219 القاضية بتنفيذ حكم الاشغال الشاقة".

وأكد الجميل أن "حزب الله ما زال يتعاطى كأنه دولة خارج الدولة"، مردفا "أنه يستفيد من وجوده في السلطة لتكريس سلطته ودولة أخرى موجودة على الاراضي اللبنانية بنيت على مفهوم المقاومة التي تحتاج الى شبكة اتصالات خاصة، ومرفأ خاص ومطار خاص، وقد نصل الى التجنيد الاجباري، بالتالي خلق سلطتين على الاراضي اللبنانية سلطة الدولة وسلطة حزب الله".

هذا، ورأى الجميل أن "طريقة عمل حزب الله في السلطة اللبنانية، تذكر بالنهج السوري عندما كان يحتل لبنان"، موضحا "أن الحزب اليوم يسقط حكومة ويشكل حكومة ويهدد القيادات والاحزاب، كما كان يفعل النظام السوري".

وتوجه الجميل الى حزب الله قائلا: "لا نوافق على مشروعكم ولا على وجود سلاحكم ولا أيديولوجيتكم، لكن لا نقبل الا أن نبني الدولة معكم ومع الجميع لكن ليس بالقوة والاكراه، ولا يمكن أن تطلبوا منا السكوت لاننا سنبقى نضعكم أمام مسؤولياتكم، وسنبقى نبحث عن الحلول المبنية على الحقيقة وليس تلك المبنية على الكذب".

وإذ طالب "حزب الله وداعميه بلحظة وعي وطنية بأن هذه الطريقة من التعاطي لا مفر من توصل لبنان الى الخراب"، اتهم الجميل "الحزب بالاختباء وراء كلمة مقاومة لممارسة أمور أيديولوجية وعقائدية أصبحت معروفة لدى جميع اللبنانيين".

وشرح الجميل أن "الاخطر هو العمل الايديولوجي والاستراتيجي لحزب الله الذي هو مقتبس عن عدو الحزب ولبنان أي الصهاينة"، مشيرا الى أن "الحزب يتصرف في لبنان كما تصرف الصهاينة في اسرائيل، أولا من ناحية عدم الانصياع للقرارات الدولية ولاسيما الـ 1701 و1559."

واستفاض الجميل بالكلام: "إن الصهاينة يعتبرون أنهم شعب الله المختار، وشعار حزب الله "اشرف الناس" الاستكباري موجود في الجهتين، كما أن تخويف المجتمع موجودة عند الصهاينة وحزب الله الذي يستعمل أيضا هذا الامر من خلال الحروب الكلامية لتبرير وجود السلاح وكل ترسانته العسكرية، والصهاينة يعتبرون أن الاراضي الاسرائيلية هي ملك اليهود تاريخيا من 4 الاف سنة وبالتالي لديهم الحق بالارض".

وتابع:" واذا سمعنا بعض خطابات نصرالله يقول فيها مثلا أن بلاد جبيل للمسلمين ونحن كمسيحيين أتينا اليها كغزاة، مشيرا الى اننا اذا نظرنا الى الواقع فان المسيحيين موجودين قبل الفتوحات الاسلامية."

وفي هذا السياق، أشار الجميل الى أن "هناك عملية منهجية لشراء أراض بنفس المنطق التوسعي الصهيوني واعتماد سياسة الاستيطان"، لافتا الى أن حزب الله وبتعديه على الاملاك العامة يقوم بعملية مشابهة للاستيطان".

وقال: "قبل 2004 كان يكتب على علم حزب الله "الثورة الاسلامية في لبنان" وتم استبدالها في 2005 "المقاومة الاسلامية في لبنان".

وتوقف الجميل في حديثه، عند ما أورده الحزب في بيان له أنه "تم تشييع جثة الشهيد حسن علي سماحة الذي قضى خلال قيامه بواجبه الجهادي"، سائلا: " من هو هذا الشخص وأين توفي في أي معركة في أي بلد".

التعليقات 42
Thumb benzona 13:06 ,2011 أيلول 01

Nothing we didn't know already! the four suspects are hidden in order to protect Nasrallah although his cell in the Netherlands got refreshed and painted in yellow to please him. Milosevic and the others can't wait to chit-chat with him.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 13:36 ,2011 أيلول 01

little bird got out of nest and started to produce sounds...and that's so cute...and irrelevant.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 13:40 ,2011 أيلول 01

lol this kid is hillarious. talking about first class and second class citizens...and what did his party support prior to civil war....looooool....amazing...like watching monty python

why don't you continue to search for truth about how this retarded rethoric from your grandfather and father and uncle sparked the 15 year civil war.

Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 13:40 ,2011 أيلول 01

you are brave Sami, they could kill you as well...

Default-user-icon Abunadim (ضيف) 13:50 ,2011 أيلول 01

What a stupid comment. If someone should go to the Netherlands, it is the people who colluded with the Zionists since 1975. Tall Zaatar, Sabra & Chatila, Black Sunday are all the handicrafts of the 75-years old party. But then MP Gemayel was still suckling at that time so no one told him the truth.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 14:25 ,2011 أيلول 01

At least he spoke the truth in the heart and the mind of every single Lebanese, except the Syrian and Palestinian who were shutled in buses to support Hezbolshaitan in each event they organized, enable to lie about how popular they are.

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 14:35 ,2011 أيلول 01

This kid is trying to stay relevant when nation building is the work of men, something he knows nothing about.

It wouldn't surprise me if the criminals of march14 and their americana nd israeli backers have him killed to try to pin it on Hezbollah like they have tried to do in the past.

Default-user-icon ado.australia (ضيف) 14:57 ,2011 أيلول 01

Who does he thinks he is he and his criminal part stood in the way of the wonderful project supported by the great patriotic revolutionary parties land their Somali, Sudanese and Libyan mercenaries and the the Palestinian Resistance army financed by magnificent leaders like Qaddafi.

Think about how wonderful it would have been without his criminal party we would all be living in the pro-Resistance moumana3a progressive prosperous country of Noe-Palestine with it's capital Jounieh (so close to Jerusalem we can launch suicide missions from there, right).

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 15:04 ,2011 أيلول 01

As the Magnificent SHN said this is Muslim land and you came as invaders , time to leave and take your tribe with you .

Default-user-icon xen (ضيف) 15:15 ,2011 أيلول 01

dear jabal amel

civil war broke up because of people we call palestinians
dunno if u heard of them but they r the reason along with who backed them from inside the country against there fellow lebanese

Missing th21 15:15 ,2011 أيلول 01

Jabal, I hate to say it lad, but you're in no position to judge what is relevant or not. Review the "relevance" of your own posts first.

So how's taht sayyed picture looking in your room? I'll get you one that's bigger on your birthday :)

Default-user-icon Savidom (ضيف) 15:33 ,2011 أيلول 01

Sami is shooting his mouth off to counter his cousin, Potato Nadim, like two competing hippos in mating season. What a pathetic state the Kataeb has reached, from being the most populous party to a party of three, i.e. Amin, Sami and Nadim. If they continue like that, they will shrink to only two, with Nadim joining Dr. Criminal's thugs, the Lebanese Fartses.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:59 ,2011 أيلول 01

These guys can give as many press conferences as they want. Geagea did yesterday and I am sure someone else tomorrow with regard to the high handed way that Hezbollah is running the country, but exposure of the problem is no cure. Everyone knows the information that is being "exposed". This is the problem now that there are no veils, no covers over the Hezbollah project.

Hezbollah could care less about Mr. Gemayel, Mr. Geagea or Mr. Hariri. It could care less about the United Nations! It will take more, gentlemen to uproot what Aoun has planted in Lebanon. Look to Libya. Independence from autocratic despots, theocrats or lunatics is not won by having street parties. The autocrat does not surrender power when exposed or embarassed by the truth, but only by force of arms. Libya would not be on the cusp of freedom but for the fact that Gadaffi dared them to fight for it and they took up his dare.

Hezbollah now dares the Lebanese and are betting on more speeches, not action.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 16:32 ,2011 أيلول 01

who's the shmuk?

Thumb Marc 17:15 ,2011 أيلول 01

I was never a big fan of Kataeb or LF, but this kid (as you are calling him) is talking common sense. All he said is Hizballah is hiding the 4 suspects and HA is not denying that; he doesn't agree with weapons outside the government institutions and the true majority of Lebanese agree with that! So, he is becoming relevant... I still wouldn't go along with their party right wing policies and the idea of westernizing our country.... You can easily conclude that I am neither M8 nor M14!

Default-user-icon bigdig (ضيف) 17:42 ,2011 أيلول 01

As usual, 70% of the content of the speech is blacked out. MSR again! (Selective Malignant Reporting-- a term devised for Naharnet only).

Anyone who has the slight interest for what Sami said today should go to another news source.

Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 17:49 ,2011 أيلول 01

habal hamel, please just read and learn, do not comment because you do not make sense in Lebanese...perhaps Farsi might suit you better

Default-user-icon Abu Abdo (ضيف) 18:36 ,2011 أيلول 01

Hezbollah is the new PLO. They are acting exactly as did the PLO back in 70s.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 18:56 ,2011 أيلول 01

Hes 10000000000000% correct. The point about the time magazine interview is spot on, and his comparison of the Zionist settlement agenda is great. This is a true scholar, a smart, educated man who knows what's right and wrong. He's Lebanese 100% not an ounce of foreign influence. The 2nd coming of bashir without the blood!!! We love you Sheikh Sami!!

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 19:04 ,2011 أيلول 01

@Jabal Ahbal, as usual, your comments are filled with hate and no common sense, maybe you forgot and i mentionned it in other posts who sparked the civil war, the CAIRO accord did, by allowing the palestinians to have their camps in Lebanon and defy Lebanese authority, then your friends the syria VIA the PFLP ( which is purely syrian created ) managed to spark conflict with christians and start with DAMOUR, and many security situation before that that were intolerable, but maybe your parents didnt tell you, they were too busy walking with your goats in the south, hadnt been for the Kataeb and Lebanese forces of before 82, you chiites would have still been raped and murdered by the PLO in the south, Moussa Sadr was sending secretly to Bachir weapons, and was turning against the PLO because he saw no good deeds out of them, this is why he disappeared and was killed.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 19:09 ,2011 أيلول 01

You think if Moussa Sadr was alive Hezbollah and Amal would welcome him with open arms? you are dreaming my friend, they would kill him again or force him to exile , secretly, because this guy did mistakes but woke up to be a real nationalist at the end, and unfortunately he was killed for that by Libya who supported the PLO. shit happens in wars , well sometimes you need courageaous but bad men to do the jobs, yes we had Zo3rans like every militia in all wars, but they did the job and most of the militia men were good, so do not take it as a whole and bachir never hid 1211 levels underground, he was at the heart of the combat for 15 years, and Sami is following his footsteps, the Gemayel are worth 1212 times your Hassouné, a bigt fat rat that his played like a puppet and that is stupid enough to admit he is infested by spies and not even give us a feedback on how he manage to erase them, Wow thank you for this wonderful resistance...

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 19:19 ,2011 أيلول 01

At least unlike Raad and Fadlala he did not hijack Parliament for his press conference, maybe it's because after Raad and Fadlala appearance the smell of feet lingers and Berri is waiting till after the holidays to get the industrial sprayer to come.

Missing allouchi 19:25 ,2011 أيلول 01

I agree with Sheikh Sami and I feel sorry for the M8 supporters who grasp at straws and hide behind their fingers when it comes to the STL. Ya ammi even if the STL provides 1000 % uncontestable proof, they will create, imagine or lie so they don't have to SEE the truth .... they will only believe what their masters tells them to...M8 is truly against individual thinking and they extremely resent independent thinking..ya haram they fear their own shadows without the comfort of a CRAZY general and little Hitler Nisrala. Don’t you see how when cornered they resort to personal insults and takhween..the weapons of the weak. How pathetic they really are...

Default-user-icon Iben el Nimer (ضيف) 19:32 ,2011 أيلول 01

God bless you Sami , youar 100% right the truth hurts and that is going to upset the killers. May God protect you

Thumb ado.australia 20:05 ,2011 أيلول 01

"we don’t accept but to build the state with you and with everyone else... Lebanon would be stable only when the first class citizens unite with the others." Shiek Sami, i agree. i have always thought you a reasonable patriot.

we cannot unite when there is one side that constantly insights sectarian hatred. we might be able to disagree politically, but without being the pawns of foriegn powers. lets unite and take advantage of our strengths and build trust with our fellow lebanese before demanding that they give up everything against the constant threat of our neighbours.

your uncle Shiek Bashir knew this and was killed. someone that was divisive but a true strong lebanese patriot. there is a foriegn conspiricy that wants the lebanese to fall into civil war. the mustaqbul party is leading this conspiricy knowingly or unknowingly. but you should be able to see.

Default-user-icon Abunadim (ضيف) 21:00 ,2011 أيلول 01

At least he is not talking about Quality and Quantity like his late brother did. And for all friends who made comments, in 100 there is only 100% not 1000 or 100,000%. People, Stop exaggerating

Thumb mrbrain 21:05 ,2011 أيلول 01

Just another fire starter.....The outcome is clear...

Missing realist 22:16 ,2011 أيلول 01

HA will shrink come 2012-13, the fall of the Assad regime will change the whole political map in the region, the shrinking will be due to deflections from the she3a community itself, did you forget the intense wars between Amal and HA in the 80's?, the current HA size is due to the exponential rise of hypocrites and benefniciaries joining the organization, "muqawama" is a business enterprise, everyone in lebanon knows that. The HA ideology is foriegn to the she3a community itself, unless everyone wants to wear suits with no ties.. i mean come on.. the she3a are cool people who like to drink and have girlfriends.. no one really believe that they are gona tolerate an Islamic republic! of course during the israeli occupation people turn to religion, that is natural, but that will expire especially when money and power diminish..

Historically people who hide in holes do not have sweet endings or a political future: Hitler, Saddam, Osama, Kadafe to name a few.

Missing roger@10452 22:32 ,2011 أيلول 01

Why do all the losers keep bringing up the 1975 War???
is this your new distraction tactic???
I can tell you it is not working.
The entire world is watching this Hizb...
and those 4 suspects will be brought to justice sooner or later, and you can take this one to the bank...

Now to those of you who want to open the old files of 1975, I will be more than happy to enlighten you anytime you want...
Two things for sure, Sami had nothing to do with 1975, and every member of the Lebanese Resistance is proud of what they did in 1975 and they are willing to do it again if necessary...

and Lebanon Always Prevails...

Default-user-icon nicolas (ضيف) 22:47 ,2011 أيلول 01

Sami drove home the naked truth and stroke the right tone.
Hezbo is presently too tied and blinded by his own excessive power and fear.
Sooner than some might suspect, Hezbo will have to painfully cope with his own mix of self-righteousness+inferiority, unless he wants to see the Lebanese ground slipping suddenly from under his feet in multiple ways.
No one can do this painful job for him.Wise people can only blow the whistle.This is what Cheikh Sami precilely did.

Default-user-icon Running Mike (ضيف) 22:59 ,2011 أيلول 01

Has anyone noticed any microphone for Al Manar at the press conference?

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 23:29 ,2011 أيلول 01

Another May 7 is in need to take care of this loser. ONE WAY TICKET!

Default-user-icon tripoli (ضيف) 23:59 ,2011 أيلول 01

Xen, actually civil war broke out because of stupid militias so dont be a ignorant racist and instead be an intelectual person who is smart enough to take responsibility instead of always blaming others only. Nobody killed more lebanese than the lebanese ourselfs so enough pointing fingers and enough living in the past. By the way the lebanese historian salibi who recently died constantly blamed the phalanges for the civil war after he left them and denounced their racism and war crimes.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 01:10 ,2011 أيلول 02

It is true Huzb Allah is the new PLO in Lebanon, Fatahland is now Huzb Allah-land in Dahieh, Bekaa and the south. They hide wanted criminals, organize attacks on Lebanese government officials, take over west Beirut when they feel like it and kill Lebanese soldiers as well.

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 02:09 ,2011 أيلول 02

Another 14 September is in need to take care of this loser. ONE WAY TICKET!

Default-user-icon TruthHurt (ضيف) 02:45 ,2011 أيلول 02

The only time you call someone a bad name is when you run out of words.
The only time you insult someone is when you are less effective than his deeds.
The truth hurts and Bash Sami hit the nail on the head.
God Bless you and bless the earth that Bashir stepped on.
Bil Rouh Bil Dam mnafdeek ya Sami.

Allah Al Watan and 3akele.

Default-user-icon Falanges (ضيف) 08:48 ,2011 أيلول 02

@someone, We are ready for the next May 7. We are loaded waiting for you cowards.

Default-user-icon Falanges (ضيف) 08:49 ,2011 أيلول 02

And if you dont start the next May 7, We will start it and bury the turbaned rat in his hole for good.

Missing roger@10452 08:59 ,2011 أيلول 02

Ya Someone, shame on you...is this the only approach you have to dealing with issues when you are in a corner guilty as ever.

Just be careful of what you wish for as the magic may turn against the magician this time....

Thumb thepatriot 10:33 ,2011 أيلول 02



Sami scares you that much huh!

Default-user-icon Sin-el-Fil (ضيف) 11:27 ,2011 أيلول 02

While Hezz is busy repairing his own leaks, "someones" of Ashraf and Att'har are playing substitutes for them on the net.Why should they?
Don't bother brothers... their stinky gaz is leaking beyond repair!
Hezbo and them are like a fat big bear feeling lost on top of a straight minaret
prescribing happy returns of May day.
True it was mainly the fault of step mother Persia and (out of~) step sister which parachuted animal before he grew so fat up there on clean fodder only.
Now the only way to summon uo some courage and jump down on its 4 feet.

Thumb shab 16:38 ,2011 أيلول 02

We all suspected it after the murdering spree May 07 by Mossad's terror branch also known as the party of Jehovah hiding under Islamic slogans that only “resisting” by disturbing daily life, planting bombs, hiding terrorists, and imposing backward Orthodox teaching on the Lebanese. Kibbutz. They bear weapon and defend their settlements exactly like in a Kibbutz and now this will be known also to the Arabs