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Video Ceators Look for Bigger Audiences at VidCon

At a weekend conference for online video, one might expect cute puppies or unlucky skateboarders to be in attendance. Perhaps a "Twilight" cast member or teenage viral video star Rebecca Black would be there?

Yet none of the above is present, though one panel — "I Got This, You Got This, Now You Know It" — is named after a lyric from Black's viral music video sensation "Friday."

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Extremists Flocking to Facebook for Recruits

When the English Defense League sprang to life two years ago, it had fewer than 50 members — a rough-and-tumble bunch of mostly white guys shouting from a street corner about what they viewed as uncontrolled Muslim immigration.

Now, the far-right group mentioned by confessed Norway gunman Anders Behring Breivik as an inspiration says its ranks have swollen to more than 10,000 people, a spectacular rise its leaders attribute to the immense global power of Facebook and other social networking sites.

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Apple, Samsung Overtake Nokia in Smartphone Market

Apple and Samsung have overtaken long-time leader Nokia for the top two spots in the global Smartphone market, a report said Friday, underscoring the Finnish handset maker's ongoing struggles.

U.S.-based research firm Strategy Analytics said the U.S. and Korean Smartphone makers outpaced Nokia in the second quarter, with the sector posting record quarterly shipments of 110 million units, or a 76.3 percent year-on-year rise.

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Alleged Hacking Attack Hits Internet Users

The personal information of about 35 million Internet users in South Korea was stolen in an alleged hacking attack that originated in China, officials said Thursday.

Hackers purportedly attacked popular Internet and social media sites Nate and Cyworld earlier this week, stealing data such as social security numbers and email addresses, the Korea Communications Commission said in a statement.

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Netflix Users Connecting with Game Consoles

Half of all Netflix users connect to the popular U.S. video streaming service using a game console, according to a survey published on Wednesday.

The Nielsen survey looked at the viewing behavior of users of Netflix and Hulu, a website owned by Disney, NBC Universal and News Corp which offers movies and television shows on demand.

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Handset Makers Get Windows Phone Update 'Mango'

Microsoft on Tuesday made the latest version of its mobile phone software available to handset partners as it seeks to claw back market share from Apple and Google.

The Redmond, Washington-based personal computer software powerhouse said the update to its Windows Phone operating system, code-named "Mango," features over 500 new features and faster browsing with Internet Explorer 9 (IE9).

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Man Charged With Hacking Into Australian Broadband

An unemployed truck driver was charged Wednesday with hacking into an Australian broadband network provider in an alleged crime that police say could have caused significant damage to the national Internet infrastructure.

David Cecil, 25, was charged in a court in New South Wales state with hacking into one of the National Broadband Network's service providers and numerous other businesses and websites in Australia and overseas since May.

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What's Cool for Back to School? Mobile Tech

What's on top of the school supply list this year? It isn't T-shirts and tennis shoes. It's the other T, for mobile tech.

Kids as young as elementary age are looking for smartphone upgrades, while the college set is sussing out the explosion in tablets, said Craig Johnson, president of the retail consulting and research firm Customer Growth Partners in New Canaan, Connecticut.

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California Dreaming: LA Imagines Life Without Cars

Los Angeles is famous for its addiction to cars -- whether cruising in their convertibles, or (more often) sitting in monster traffic jams on the freeway, the car is definitely king for Angelenos.

But a surprise public response to a "car-mageddon" warning this month has fueled questions over whether -- shock, horror -- LA motorists could wean themselves off of four wheels.

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Internet Privacy Controls Challenge Tech Industry

The federal government has put Google, Microsoft, Apple and other technology companies on notice: Give consumers a way prevent advertisers from tracking their movements across the Web — or face regulation.

Yet for all its innovative know-how and entrepreneurial spirit, the technology industry has yet to agree on a simple, meaningful solution to protect consumer privacy on the Internet.

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