Saad Hariri
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Hariri, Egytian PM Discuss Bilateral Ties

Prime Minister Saad Hariri held a meeting in Cairo with his Egyptian counterpart Sharif Ismail where talks focused on the latest developments at the Arab and international arenas, a statement issued by Hariri's press office said.

Means to bolster bilateral ties between Lebanon and Egypt at the economic, commercial and other levels were discussed, added the statement.

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Hariri's Statement at Arab Summit to Reflect Positions of 'Entire Lebanese'

Prime Minister Saad Hariri assured on Wednesday that he will deliver a statement during the Arab League Summit in March that reflects the view points of all the Lebanese.

The PM, who spoke from Cairo, said he will travel with President Michel Aoun to Jordan to partake in the Arab League Summit set for March 29 where his speech will “represent entire Lebanon.”

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Hariri Arrives in Cairo on Two-Day Official Visit

Prime Minister Saad Hariri arrived Tuesday in Cairo on a two-day official visit during which he is scheduled to meet with Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Prime Minister Sharif Ismail, his press office said.

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Hariri Marks March 14 Uprising Anniversary

Prime Minister Saad Hariri marked the 12th anniversary of March 14 alliance on Tuesday and said it has set the foundations for Lebanon's free, sovereign and independent political life.

“Today we celebrate March 14 Day, the day that founded our political life. On this day we called for freedom, sovereignty, independence, truth and justice,” said Hariri marking the occasion in a video released on social media.

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Hariri Asks FM to Prepare U.N. Complaint over Israel Threats

Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Monday asked Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil to prepare a U.N. complaint over Israel's latest threats against Lebanon.

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Mashnouq Denies Report on Hariri Swap Plan for Premiership

Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq denied on Wednesday media reports claiming that PM Saad Hariri made a deal with President Michel Aoun and Hizbullah that guarantees his endorsement as PM after the parliamentary polls.

Mashnouq said the report claimed the alleged swap would see Hariri accept holding the parliamentary elections under a proportional representation system (agreed by Hizbullah and Aoun) in return for the country's premiership after the polls

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Hariri: Women's Quota Prerequisite in New Electoral Law

Prime Minister Saad Hariri stressed on Tuesday that establishing a quota for women in the upcoming parliamentary electoral law is essential, as he stressed that efforts are pushing in that direction.

“When we first launched the Ministry of Women’s Affairs we were planning to strengthen the Lebanese society in general. Empowering women (simultaneously) empowers Lebanon,” said Hariri from the Grand Serail, during the launching of the Office of the Minister of State for Women Affairs.

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Hariri Follows Up on Palestinian Refugee Camp Security after Weekend Clashes

Prime Minister Saad Hariri followed up on Monday on the deteriorating security situation in the southern Palestinian refugees camp of Ain el-Hilweh in Sidon.

Hariri received at the Grand Serail a delegation from the Sidon Consultative Gathering that included former PM Fouad Saniora, MP Bahia Hariri, Mufti of Sidon Sheikh Salim Susan, Sidon Mayor Mohammed Saudi, Vice President of the Politburo of al-Jamaa al-Islamiya Bassam Hammoud and its members.

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Hariri Meets Le Pen: Amalgam between Islam and Terrorism Worst Mistake

Prime Minister Saad Hariri received on Monday France's far-right leader and presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, accompanied by MP Gilbert Collard, her chief of staff Nicolas Lesage in the presence of Hariri's chief of staff, Nader Hariri.

During the meeting, Hariri cautioned against associating his religion with the terrorist attacks of the jihadists who have repeatedly targeted France.

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Hariri: We Won't Bargain on STL, Hizbullah Arms and Electoral Law Mustn't Isolate Any Ally

Prime Minister Saad Hariri stressed Tuesday that al-Mustaqbal Movement “will not bargain” over the issues of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon or Hizbullah's weapons, while emphasizing that the new electoral law should not “subdue or isolate” any Lebanese component.

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