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Israelis, Palestinians March for W. Bank Town Set for Demolition

Hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians marched Friday in support of a West Bank village slated for demolition, a plan they said epitomizes the Israeli occupation.

The march in Susya, southeast of Hebron, took place on the anniversary of what the Palestinians call the Naksa (Setback), when Israel's occupation of the West Bank in the 1967 Six Day war displaced hundreds of thousands of people.

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Hamas Militant Killed in Gaza Tunnel Collapse

A member of the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas died Friday when a smuggling tunnel collapsed in the Gaza Strip near the Israeli border, Hamas and medical sources said.

The sources did not say why the tunnel, located in eastern Shejaiya in northern Gaza, collapsed.

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Few Regrets in Mideast over Blair Resignation

Tony's Blair resignation as Middle East peace envoy has been widely welcomed by Palestinians who say his term was useless, and even some Israelis agree he failed to accomplish much.

For the past eight years the former British prime minister had been tasked by the Mideast Quartet to help mediate a peaceful settlement to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Israel Military Court Orders Release of Palestinian MP

An Israeli military court said Thursday it had ordered the release of Palestinian legislator Khalida Jarrar, detained at her home in the West Bank city of Ramallah on April 2.

At the time of her arrest, the army had said she posed unspecified "substantial security risks."

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Israel PM Halts Ban on Palestinians Using Settler Buses

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday ordered the suspension of a controversial measure banning Palestinians from riding the same buses as Jewish settlers when returning from Israel to the West Bank.

The announcement came several hours after a three-month pilot project which was approved by Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon went into action. 

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Israel Jails Palestinian over 'Incitement' on Facebook

An Israeli court on Tuesday sentenced a Palestinian from east Jerusalem to eight months in prison for "inciting to violence or terror" on his Facebook page.

In its ruling, the Jerusalem Magistrates Court quoted a series of statements and postings by A-Tur resident Sami Dais, 27, on Facebook between July and November last year in which he praised deadly attacks on Jews.

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Clashes as Israel Marks 1967 East Jerusalem Capture

Israeli nationalists and police clashed with Palestinians in occupied east Jerusalem on Sunday as crowds of Jewish hardliners marched across the city to mark the 48th anniversary of its capture.

Known as Jerusalem Day, the anniversary marks the seizure in the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexation of mainly Arab east Jerusalem in a move never recognized by the international community.

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Palestinians' First Saints Leave Mark on Holy Land

In the corner of a pristine Jerusalem church, the tomb of Marie Alphonsine Ghattas looks out over just a small part of her legacy, days ahead of her canonization in Rome.

A box under an altar holds her earthly remains, and Catholic worshippers have already scribbled prayers in Arabic to "Saint Marie Alphonsine", in a notebook placed next to her tomb in the chapel.

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50 Wounded in Blast at Gaza Training Camp

At least 50 Palestinians were wounded in a blast that occurred Thursday inside a militant training camp in Gaza, Hamas officials, medics and witnesses said.

"An explosion happened inside a post of the resistance in Beit Lahya," said interior ministry spokesman Iyad al-Bozum, in reference to the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas.

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Rooftop Gardens Link Palestinians to Land Lost in Nakba

Hijar Hamdan al-Ayess picks off a few yellowing leaves, before pouring water into a hollowed-out pipe filled with soil where she has planted rows of aubergines, cucumbers and tomatoes.

This is her way of escaping the narrow streets of Dheishe refugee camp in the southern West Bank town of Bethlehem, which is home to some 15,000 people who once lived in 45 Palestinian villages that no longer exist.

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