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Arslan Praises Egyptian Revolt against Arab Zionism: I Repeat My Nomination of Jumblat to Interior Ministry

The head of the Lebanese Democratic Party Talal Arslan criticized on Sunday the sectarian division of positions in the legislative authority saying it is “another blow against the concept of a state of law.”

He said during a press conference: “Lebanon has never witnessed in its history such sectarian division such as the one taking place today.”

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Major Pieces Stolen from Egypt Museum

Several major pieces have been stolen from the Egyptian museum, including a statue of King Tutankhamun, Egypt's minister of state for antiquities Zahi Hawass said on Sunday.

The objects missing from the famed museum included "a gilded wood statue of the 18th Dynasty king Tutankhamun being carried by a goddess" and parts of "a gilded wood statue of Tutankhamun harpooning," Hawass said in a statement.

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Bustling Traffic Returns to Cairo Protest Square

Traffic again flowed through much of Cairo's emblematic Tahrir Square on Sunday as most protesters headed home following the nationwide revolt that brought down President Hosni Mubarak.

Military police directed cars through what had been the epicenter of the uprising, past tanks that were pulled to the side of most roads and giant pictures of "martyrs" killed during clashes with pro-Mubarak thugs.

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Nasrallah to Deliver Speech on Wednesday, Sami Shehab to Make Surprise Appearance

Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is scheduled to deliver a speech on Wednesday during the party’s commemoration of its martyrs.

The speech is set to focus on local and Arab developments, most notably the recent events in Egypt.

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Egypt Army Vows Democracy after Mubarak's Fall, Pledges to Respect Treaty with Israel

Egypt's new military leadership vowed Saturday to pave the way for democracy and abide by its peace treaty with Israel, as Egyptians basked in their victory a day after Hosni Mubarak's overthrow.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces said the current government would remain in place for a peaceful transition to "an elected civil authority to build a free democratic state," although it set no timetable.

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Egypt Curfew Eased as Government Officials Banned from Traveling

Egypt's military relaxed a nighttime curfew Saturday and banned current and ex-government officials from traveling abroad without permission in its first moves since taking power after President Hosni Mubarak's ouster.

The moves came as Egyptian protesters were jubilant over their success in ousting the longtime authoritarian leader, but many vowed to stay camped in Cairo's central Tahrir, or Liberation, square until they hear "clear assurances" that the military will meet their demands for democracy.

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March 14 Welcomes Dar al-Fatwa’s Statement, Supports Egyptian People

The March 14 forces lauded the statement of Dar al-Fatwa, saying it conforms with the principles of all Lebanese that seek to defend their country’s democratic system and the Taef agreement.

During a meeting of several March 14 officials at Center House in downtown Beirut on Friday, the conferees said the Dar al-Fatwa’s statement “conforms with the principles of all Lebanese in defense of the democratic system, the Taef accord, the international tribunal, Lebanon’s independence and the sovereignty of the state.”

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Army Throws Weight behind Mubarak Plan, 3 Officers Join Protesters

The Egyptian army threw its weight behind President Hosni Mubarak on Friday while trying to reassure anti-regime protesters that it will ensure he follows through with democratic reforms.

Egyptian state television interrupted programming to read out "communique number two" by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, headed by Defense Minister Hussein Tantawi.

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U.S. Says it Intends to Judge Next Lebanese Government by its Deeds

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg has said that Washington “intends to judge the next Lebanese government by its deeds.”

“We will be watching Prime Minister-designate (Najib) Miqati to see whether he makes good on his public pledge to build a broad-based government that represents all sections of Lebanese society,” Steinberg said in a testimony at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Egypt and Lebanon on Thursday.

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As He Assumes Mubarak Powers, Egypt Powerful VP Tells Protesters to Go Home

Egypt's Vice President Omar Suleiman on Thursday told protesters and strikers to head home or back to work in his first speech after Hosni Mubarak delegated presidential powers to him.

Suleiman told "the youth of Egypt, its heroes, go home and go back to your jobs" in a televised statement shortly after Mubarak made an address formally putting his former intelligence chief in charge of government business.

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