Climate Change & Environment
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Obama Deepens Effort to Win Firms' Backing on Climate

The White House on Monday redoubled efforts to enlist U.S. companies in the fight against climate change, announcing dozens more back a global climate deal and pledge to curb emissions.

Ahead of a meeting between President Barack Obama and CEOs later Monday, the White House said 81 companies had committed to concrete mitigation measures.

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Pacific Nations Beg for Help for Islanders when 'Calamity' of Climate Change Hits

Pacific island nations have pleaded with wealthy countries to help their people migrate and find work if they are forced to flee their homelands because of the consequences of climate change.

A coalition of low-lying island nations said moving people because of rising sea levels, storms and ruined agriculture was a last resort, but the “calamity” of climate change required industrialized countries to devise a plan.

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Oil Unlikely to Ever be Fully Exploited because of Climate Concerns – BP

The world’s oil resources are unlikely to ever be fully exploited, BP has admitted, due to international concern about climate change.

The statement, by the group’s chief economist, is the clearest acknowledgement yet by a major fossil fuel company that some coal, oil and gas will have to remain in the ground if dangerous global warming is to be avoided.

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Last U.N. Climate Talks ahead of Paris Meeting Open in Bonn

U.N. negotiators opened a final round of talks in Bonn on Monday to thrash out the wording of a universal climate rescue pact to be inked in Paris in December.

Developing nations have objected to the latest, shortened blueprint for the agreement, saying some of their key demands have been dropped.

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Malaysia again Shuts Schools Due to Indonesia Smoke Haze

Malaysia closed schools in several states and the capital Kuala Lumpur on Monday due to choking smoke from Indonesian slash-and-burn farming that has smothered much of Southeast Asia in smog for weeks.

Malaysia has repeatedly ordered students to stay home as a health precaution as the current smog problem -- an annual dry-season occurrence -- has become one of the worst in years, exacerbated by tinder-dry conditions from the El Nino weather phenomenon.

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Almost Two-Thirds of Climate Fund for Developing Nations Already Pledged

Rich countries and businesses have provided close to two-thirds of the financial assistance pledged to poorer nations as part of the global climate change negotiations, ahead of the Paris conference this December.

The finding by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a further clearing of the path to an agreement in Paris, as it helps countries to judge whether pledges made at previous meetings can be trusted.

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V20 Group of 20 Countries Most at Risk from the Effects of Climate Change Call on Wealthy Nations to Meet $100bn Pledge to Help them Tackle Global Warming

Finance ministers from the 20 countries most vulnerable to climate change have formed a group to call for greater access to climate finance for adaptation and mitigation in the face of the most devastating effects of global warming.

With a collective population of nearly 700 million, the vulnerable twenty, or V20, range from small Pacific nations,such as Vanuatu, to Bangladesh and the Philippines.

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Canada Election Winner to Set New Climate Direction

After nearly two decades of foot-dragging on carbon emissions, the winner of Canada's upcoming legislative elections will negotiate new CO2 cuts at year-end talks in Paris.

But it is unclear if Canada -- which under the incumbent government became the first nation to withdraw from the landmark 1997 Kyoto Protocol -- will change tack on climate change.

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Spring to Come to United States 3 Weeks Early

Rising global temperatures due to climate change will bring spring to the United States about three weeks earlier than usual in the decades to come, scientists said Wednesday.

While those who are weary of winter may welcome such news, scientists say the shift will also have long-reaching impacts on the growing season of plants and the animals that depend upon them.

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U.N. Climate Science Panel Elects First New Leader in 13 Years

The United Nations Nobel-winning climate science panel – the ultimate authority tracking the extent of global warming and its consequences for humanity – has a new leader after 13 years.

In a vote in Dubrovnik on Tuesday, governments chose Hoesung Lee, the long-serving vice-chair of the climate panel, to replace Rajendra Pachauri, who was forced to step down after being accused of sexual harassment by a female employee at his research institute in India.

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