
Report: Hizbullah Backs off from Promise to Give Cabinet Seat to Sayyed Hussein

Hizbullah has officially informed resigned Minister Adnan Sayyed Hussein that it was backing off from its promise to allot to him a portfolio in the new cabinet, al-Mustaqbal daily reported Sunday.

The newspaper said that the Shiite party had promised Sayyed Hussein to either give him the foreign affairs or information portfolio when he announced his resignation from Caretaker Premier Saad Hariri’s government in January.

According to An Nahar newspaper, Hizbullah didn’t strongly back an idea to give Sayyed Hussein a seat in Premier-designate Najib Miqati’s cabinet. The daily didn’t give further details.

The resignation of the minister, who was close to President Michel Suleiman, led to the collapse of the government after 10 ministers representing Hizbullah and its allies had already quit.

This led to the appointment of Hizbullah-backed Miqati by the new parliamentary majority led by the Shiite party.

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