
Geagea Responding to Otari: The Carton Structure Toppled Syria's Hegemony over Lebanon

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Saturday Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Naji Otari's recent statements against the March 14 forces, saying that this "carton structure" overthrew Syria's hegemony over Lebanon in 2005 and forcing it to withdraw from the country.

On Friday, Otari had described the March 14 coalition as a carton structure.

Geagea asked if the March 14 forces are a carton structure, then what does that say about the regime that it toppled?

He criticized the Syrian premier's statements on Lebanese-Syrian bilateral ties saying that the developments over the past eight months do not take into consideration President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Saad Hariri's efforts in improving these relations.

In addition, Geagea slammed Syria for failing to address the matter of Lebanese jailed in Syrian prisons and Palestinian training camps outside the refugee camps, therefore refuting Otari's statement that Syria is concerned with Lebanon's security.

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