
Suleiman Demands Investigation over Arsal Bombardment

President Michel Suleiman tasked on Monday Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn to investigate the Syrian bombardment of Kherbet Daoud, calling on the security forces to act firm with the kidnappings in Lebanon.

Media reports said that Suleiman tasked Ghosn and the concerned officials with raising information regarding the incident that occurred on Monday on the outskirts of the eastern town of Arsal.

He pointed out that the concerned officials must investigate if Syria initiated the attack or vise versa.

Concerning the recent spree of abduction, Suleiman called on the security forces, during the cabinet session that was held at the Baabda Palace, to "assume their responsibilities to deter the assailants and detain them."

On Monday, unknown assailants kidnapped the brother of the head of Bakeries Association Anisse Beshara asking for a $400,000 ransom.

Lebanon has been lately witnessing a spree of abduction of wealthy businessmen. The kidnapers are either setting the men free after the payment of ransom or releasing their captives after the mediation of some officials.

Concerning the three-day visit of Pope Benedict XVl to Lebanon, the president thanked everyone who contributed in making it successful.

"The papal visit succeeded due to the participation of all the Lebanese," Suleiman said.

The Pope prayed on Sunday that Middle East leaders work towards peace and reconciliation, stressing again the central theme of his visit to Lebanon, whose neighbor Syria is engulfed in civil war.

Suleiman also denounced the anti-Islam film, which he deemed it inconsistent with the value of the West civilization that believes in freedom of belief and human rights.

The initially obscure "Innocence of Muslims," produced by a U.S. religious group, has been cited as one of the main instigators of riots that have killed 17 people from North Africa to the Middle East and Afghanistan.

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