
Geagea: Recent Events Result of Syrian Regime Disappointment with Suleiman, Miqati over Samaha Arrest

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea accused on Friday the Syrian regime of being behind the recent instability in Lebanon, saying that it is “upset with the Lebanese government for its failure to properly support it during its crisis.”

He added during a press conference: “The Syrian regime is disappointed with President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Miqati over the arrest of former minister and MP Michel Samaha.”

“The Lebanese people have developed the impression after the events of the past two days that Lebanon is an open ground for various disputes and its state lacks any authority, laws, or constitution,” he said.

“Some armed groups are forming the state’s policies and abducting people with complete disregard to the law,” he added.

He strongly condemned the tit-for-tat kidnappings that took place recently, noting that no matter how just a cause, there can be no justification for what happened.

“The events that took place could lead to the crippling of the country and the elimination of the state,” stated the LF leader.

“Some people appeared on television claiming that they are members of al-Meqdad clan and its military wing. If we want to go ahead with this reasoning, we would have discovered a number of armed wings,” he continued.

The very existence of such a group harms the existence of the state and its government and army, he declared.

He demanded that the events of the past two days should not be linked to the abduction of the 11 Lebanese pilgrims in Syria.

Addressing al-Meqdad family and all clans that sympathize with it, Geagea asked: “Who did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections? Wasn’t it Hizbullah and AMAL? Hizbullah and AMAL are now the backbones of the government, so if you don’t have faith in it, why do you even talk to it?”

“We don’t trust the government, but does that justify an armed revolt against it if we believe in the democratic system?” he wondered.

“We will instead plan to win the majority in the 2013 parliamentary elections,” he stressed.

“We have been grappling for months with the government in order for the telecom data to be presented to the concerned authorities. There is no greater cause than trying to reach the truth behind political assassinations, but we did not resort to the same actions of those of the past two days,” said Geagea.

“It is shameful that Syrian refugees are being kidnapped in Lebanon. This will haunt the perpetrators for the rest of their lives,” he stated.

The results of the past two days are aimed at terrorizing all those who oppose the Syrian regime, especially Syrian refugees, he remarked.

“The Syrian regime is upset with the way Lebanon has harbored the refugees. It was hoping that it would terrorize them. It therefore had to search an alternative to the government and it resorted to al-Meqdad family,” he said.

Moreover, the LF leader said that Samaha’s arrest was “the breaking point for the Syrian regime” and it is upset that Suleiman and Miqati even allowed the arrest to take place.

“Suleiman and Miqai have an historic responsibility in tackling this crisis, which is threatening Lebanon’s very existence,” he remarked.

“Such a situation requires immediate measures in order to restore the authority of the state,” he noted.

He therefore called for the announcement of a partial state of emergency “in order to prevent the emergence of any armed presence in Lebanon.”

“The state must search for all of the abducted Syrians and non-Syrians and release them by force if they have to,” he added.

“All gunmen who appeared in such an offensive manner on television should be arrested and all those who made statements that harm Lebanon’s ties with other nations must also be detained,” he continued.

On the repeated blocking of the airport road, Geagea said: “The army and security forces must be deployed in the area and prevent the closure of the road. Anyone who tries to do so must be arrested.”

“Should they fail to prevent the closure, then operations at the Qulaiat airport must be launched,” he suggested.

“The current state authority in Lebanon is becoming a joke and it is being prevented from imposing its power in the country,” said the LF chief.

“It is unacceptable that a minority control the fate of the majority of the Lebanese people,” he stated.

A series of abductions of Syrians and allegedly a Turkish national took place in the past two days by al-Meqdad clan to demand the release of Hassan al-Meqdad, who was kidnapped by Free Syrian Army members in Syria earlier this week.

Addressing Samaha’s arrest last week, Geagea said: “I hope the Lebanese people, regardless of their political affiliations, would observe the March 8 camp, which produced Samaha and what happened in the past two days, and head to the parliamentary elections.”

“The March 14 camp may have several flaws, but it at least aims to achieve stability and security,” he stressed.

In addition, he questioned the role of the General Security and customs agents on the Masnaa border-crossing that did not inspect Samaha’s explosives-laden vehicle as it entered Lebanon from Syria.

“Aren’t the sides that pressured the Internal Security Forces and Intelligence Bureau affiliated with the various bombings and security incidents that have taken place in Lebanon in recent years?” he continued.

“The security agencies at the border should be held responsible for the entry of explosives in Lebanon,” he stressed.

“Samaha’s has arrest revealed the true colors of the March 8 camp, which has repeatedly warned of the threat of Salafists and al-Qaida in Lebanon,” noted Geagea.

“Don’t we have the right to ask, who we are sitting with at the national dialogue table?” he wondered.

Government deputy Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Sami Sader charged on Saturday Samaha and Syrian security chief General Ali Mamlouk with forming a group to commit crimes in Lebanon.

The two were also charged with plotting to assassinate political and religious figures.

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