
Lebanese Foes Optimistic ahead of Crunch Talks Seeking Consensus

The Lebanese foes seeking an accord at a new national dialogue session expressed optimism on Monday as they voiced hope that the all-party talks would have a positive impact on the country, local newspapers reported.

Phalange party leader Amin Gemayel told As Safir newspaper that he will be open to all suggestions during session at the Baabda Palace, noting that the Lebanese leaders should be ready to resolve all the crises Lebanon is suffering from.

“If the circumstances weren’t suitable to resolve the sharp differences, at least we can agree on other issues linked to the citizens’ daily lives to achieve the minimum amount of stability,” Gemayel told the daily.

He pointed out that he will address the defense strategy, saying he has a new approach to resolve the arms of Hizbullah.

“We have a new approach that we will discuss at the national dialogue,” Gemayel said.

Al-Mustaqbal bloc leader MP Fouad Saniora told As Safir that he will attend the all-party talks with a positive attitude.

He stressed on the necessity of discussing the weapons of Hizbullah, warning that arms are spreading locally.

“We have to implement what we have previously agreed on during the past national dialogue sessions,” Saniora stated.

For his part, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat expressed relief over the resumption of the all-party talks as there is no “alternative” even if there are sharp differences among officials.

“We should at least organize these differences if we can’t resolve them in the meantime,” Jumblat said.

Concerning Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea’s refusal to attend the session, he stressed that boycotting it is “useless.”

“The country needs to disassociate itself from any crises that are threatening its stability,” the Druze leader said.

Head of Loyalty to Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad told As Safir that “Hizbullah’s participation in the national dialogue is an attempt by the party to bridge the gap” between the Lebanese foes.

“We are open to all kinds of discussions but priority is to the key issues that are threatening the country’s stability,” the MP said.

However, he noted that disarming the resistance only serves foreign agendas.

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