
The National Mobile Programming Contest for University Students in Lebanon

The National Mobile Programming Contest (NMPC) for University Students in Lebanon is a contest in mobile applications development where the best 20 ideas will work on actual product development for 3 months and then will present their products in front of a selected jury.

It was officially launched on March 16, 2012 at University of Balamand, Main Campus, Hariri Auditorium. With this the first phase, Proposal, has started.

There are 3 parties involved in the contest:

1. The University of Balamand (UOB): responsible for the technical follow up, in addition to providing the venue for the launching and presentations events.

2. The Ministry of Telecommunications: the umbrella of this event and the guarantor of the national dimension.

3. mtc touch: the main financial contributor by subsidizing the gold prize with an amount of $20,000.

The two best applications get prizes: one gold prize of $20,000 and one silver prize of $10,000.

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