
Geagea to Juppe: Only Democracy Can Protect Citizens and Christians in the East

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea praised on Saturday French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe’s recent message to Christians in the east, saying that it reflects France’s history and values.

He said in a cable to the minister: “Some tyrants’ claims that they are protecting Christians are in fact a cover for forcing the Christians to submit to their will.”

“Only a democratic state can protect Christians and citizens in the east,” he declared.

“Christians should break the wall of fear and restore their pioneering role in bolstering democracy and freedom,” he continued.

“Lebanon has long been viewed by Christians as an example of democracy and mutual coexistence,” added the LF chief.

“The country’s religious and ethnic diversity transcends petty calculations that have classified citizens as belonging to a minority or a majority,” Geagea noted.

Juppe had published an editorial on February 28 on Christians in the east in the French La Croix publication.

He said: “The Eastern Christians are worried. Worried about their survival in a region they have lived in for 2,000 years. Worried about their rights being respected at a time of major upheaval. Worried about heightened religious tensions. I want to tell them that I understand them, that I understand their fears.”

“We urge the Christians of the Middle East not to be taken in by the manipulative measures implemented by authoritarian regimes alienated from their own people,” he added.

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