
British minister says political solution is 'only answer' to Lebanon conflict

The British Minister for the Middle East Hamish Falconer on Thursday attended the Lebanon Support Conference in Paris to reiterate calls for a ceasefire in Lebanon.

Below is Falconer's speech at the conference as distributed by the Brirish embassy in Lebanon:

"The situation in Lebanon is worsening daily, and civilian casualties are mounting.

The risks of further escalation cannot be overstated. We cannot let Lebanon become another Gaza.

This is why today the UK repeats our call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Lebanese Hizballah.

Let us not forget that this conflict started when Hizballah launched rockets at northern Israel, forcing the Israelis to flee their homes.

The UK stands with Israel and recognises its right of self defence in the face of unlawful Iranian attacks.

Iran must immediately halt those attacks, and stand down its proxies.

Meanwhile, we are working with the Lebanese Armed Forces, the sole legitimate defender of that state, to support security and stability.

I am pleased to be joined today by one of our most senior military officers, Air Marshal Harvey Smyth, who leads our work to support the Lebanese Armed Forces. We stand ready to do more.

We are also committing £15 million to respond to the humanitarian emergency in Lebanon, supporting food, medicine and clean water.

Many generous British citizens are now donating to the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Gaza, Lebanon and the wider region - my government will now pledge to match that generosity up to £10 million.

The aid workers striving to alleviate suffering in Lebanon must be able to carry out their duties in safety – including UN workers, who have a vital role to play in resolving armed conflict and mitigating its impact.

Britain condemns all threats to the security of UNIFIL.

We call on all parties engaged in this conflict to take all necessary precautions to avoid civilian deaths and injuries and protect essential infrastructure.

Before I conclude, let me reflect briefly on the wider crisis in the region.

Following the death of the terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar, it is time for a new chapter in Gaza.

We reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and an increase in humanitarian aid.

We must focus all our efforts on stopping this cycle of violence.

A political solution consistent with 1701 is the only answer – and the only way to secure a stable future for those on both sides of the Blue Line."

Source: Naharnet

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