
Bassil Briefs al-Rahi on 'Obstruction' of FPM Ministers Plans

Energy and Water Minister Jebran Bassil on Tuesday said he visited Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi in Bkirki to “inform him of the deliberate obstruction” of the plans proposed by the ministers of the Free Patriotic Movement in cabinet.

“The seat of the patriarchate is the place that gathers everyone and preserves the principles, that’s why we have to inform His Eminence of all the vital information and the fears and concerns we live daily with as ministers, whether concerning the administration or the appointments,” Bassil told reporters after the meeting.

He also said he briefed the patriarch about “the deliberate obstruction of efforts that would benefit all the Lebanese.”

“We’re concerned with keeping His Eminence in the picture of all the difficulties we go through, because through our coordination and cooperation we can overcome a lot of problems,” Bassil added.

On November 25 the cabinet postponed one of its sessions due to lack of quorum after the Change and Reform bloc ministers boycotted the meeting.

Back then, Bassil described the move as a “first warning to their (the ministers’) objection to the government’s performance.”

Source: Naharnet

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