
Saudi Arabia Stresses Solution for Lebanon Lies on Internal Scene: No Comment on Syrian Arrest Warrants

Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awad Assiri stressed on Tuesday that a solution to the crisis in Lebanon lies on the country's internal scene, adding that the Kingdom is keen on ensuring Lebanon's stability.

He made his statements after meeting with House Speaker Nabih Berri.

The ambassador had also held talks on Tuesday with President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and he also scheduled meetings with a number of opposition and March 14 figures, including Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun and Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh, as part of Saudi efforts to reach a solution to the crisis.

Assiri is expected to submit a report on his findings to Riyadh where he will hold talks on the developments in Lebanon.

"We are seeking all sides to find common ground for stability that is needed for this country," he told As Safir Wednesday.

Sources following up on the crisis noted however that a solution may be difficult if trying false witnesses, stopping funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, withdrawing Lebanese judges from the court, and eliminating the political accusation against Hizbullah are not addressed.

Asked about Saudi Arabia's position on Syria's arrest warrants against a number of Lebanese individuals, the ambassador chose not to comment.

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