
Mustaqbal on Electoral Law: Proportional Representation Enforces Sectarianism

The Mustaqbal Movement is still studying proposals over the parliamentary electoral law, including the adoption of proportional representation, but it has not taken a clear stand on the issue “because it is not a pressing matter.”

A source from the Mustaqbal bloc told al-Liwaa in remarks published on Saturday that the opposition has taken a conscious decision not to support or veto any position at the time being.

“The opposition is studying the issue from all angles and it will take a stance that abides by the Taif accord,” it stressed.

The source questioned however Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea’s “hasty” stance in supporting the Maronite meeting’s decision to adopt the Orthodox gathering’s proposals regarding the electoral law.

It noted however that he sought to advocate the decision because Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun would be “greatly harmed” if the Orthodox proposals are adopted in a new parliamentary electoral law.

The source made the statement without given further details.

The Orthodox gathering called for adopting proportional representation where each sect to elect its own candidate in the parliamentary elections.

Meanwhile, Mustaqbal politburo member Mustapha Alloush told the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the Bkirki meeting agreement is an attempt to create a federation in Lebanon.

“The adoption of such a law will only increase sectarianism in Lebanon and mark the end of the message that the country is based upon,” he said.

“It is unfortunate that Christian fears have not been properly addressed at the meeting,” he continued.

“Such a law does not protect the Lebanese at all,” Alloush stressed.

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