
Geagea Urges Suleiman, Miqati’s Intervention to Halt Hizullah’s 'Attack' on Judiciary

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Thursday Hizbullah and the Free Patriotic Movement’s agreement on nominating Judge Tannous Meshleb as their candidate for the presidency of the Higher Judicial Council, deeming it an attempt to politicize the judiciary.

He told the Central News Agency: “This is a dangerous and unprecedented development that is part of Hizbullah’s ongoing attempt to take over the state.”

He therefore called on the concerned presidents and ministers to counterattack the party’s “lightening war” against the judiciary.

He explained that Hizbullah and the FPM disregarded all constitutional mechanisms when they made this over Meshleb.

“It is unfortunate that the party is taking over the state instead of the state incorporating the party within its ranks,” Geagea noted.

“We are shocked that Hizbullah is actually being given the opportunity to take over the judiciary,” he added.

Never in Lebanon’s history has a minister nominated a single candidate to a position in state, he continued.

The norm has always been the nomination of three candidates, said the LF leader.

Furthermore he stated: “With all respect to Meshleb, there are several judges who are more qualified to the position than him.”

“We therefore once again urge President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati, and the ministers who are concerned with the construction of the state to take the necessary stand to thwart Hizbullah’s attack,” Geagea stressed.

On Friday’s Maronite meeting at Bkirki, he said: “We are very close to reaching consensus over a new parliamentary electoral law that would pave the way to a wider and more comprehensive agreement” among all political powers.

“The meetings initially started off as formalities and now they have reached the stage where the gatherers can reach practical results,” he noted.

“Progress has been made over the proposed electoral law … and I am not pessimistic over the possibility of a unified Christian position being reached,” Geagea stated.

The Bkirki meeting will also address the various political and sectarian developments, as well as the Christian position over how to fortify Lebanon against dangers, he added.

Reaching an understanding over the electoral law may lead to an agreement over other pending issues among the Christians, he stressed.

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