
March 14 Praises Funding of STL, But Deems it as ‘Smuggling’

The March 14 General Secretariat lauded on Wednesday Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s announcement that he had transferred the country’s share of the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

It criticized however the manner in which it was achieved, describing it as being “smuggled.”

“We reject the method in which a national cause was handled in that it was tackled outside cabinet,” it said in a statement after its weekly meeting.

It noted however that the funding is an admission by the state of the legitimacy of the STL, “which therefore means that all accusations that had been issued against it no longer stand.”

Furthermore, the general secretariat hoped that the government would meet all of its commitments towards the tribunal starting with arresting the four suspects in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Addressing Tuesday’s rocket fire from Lebanon to Israel, it noted that it was a “blatant” violation of United Nations Security Council resolution 1701, “which places Lebanon once again before the possibility of a new war with the Jewish state.”

It noted however that the incident took place in light of sensitive regional developments, including the Syrian regime’s threats to set the whole region on fire and Hizbullah’s repeated announcements of support to the regime.

“This consequently turns Lebanon once again into an open ground for regional powers,” continued the statement.

“The president of the republic, who safeguards the constitution, prime minister, and government will all have to bear the consequences of these irresponsible acts,” it added.

The March 14 General Secretariat demanded that the sides responsible for the rocket attack be uncovered to prevent other ones from taking place in the future.

Premier Najib Miqati said he transferred Lebanon’s share of the STL funding on Wednesday morning, without giving further details about the mechanism.

“My insistence on funding the STL emanates from my keenness on protecting Lebanon, the people, the army and the resistance,” he said

The premier dubbed his move as a “national decision aimed at safeguarding Lebanon” and steering it clear of “tough experiences.”

Lebanon is obligated to fund 49 percent of the tribunal budget, which is estimated at around $33 million.

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