
Geagea Slams Govt. over Waste 'Scandal', Urges Election of President to End 'Marginalization'

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea blasted the government on Monday over its failure to address the growing waste management crisis, describing the latest developments as a “major scandal.”

“What we're witnessing today regarding the issue of waste management is a major scandal that has dangerous repercussions on the environmental, health and social security of the Lebanese,” said Geagea at an LF ceremony in Maarab.

“But what's more significant is its impact on confidence in the state,” he warned.

“Didn't the government take a decision four months ago to address the garbage crisis according to a specific plan? How did we reach this situation today? Who is to blame for the failure to implement the government's plan?” Geagea asked.

The crisis that erupted on July 17 has seen streets overflowing with waste and the air filled with the smell of rotting and burning garbage. The problem erupted after the central Naameh landfill was closed in accordance with a government decision taken earlier this year.

The landfill opened in 1997. It was meant to receive trash from the capital and Mount Lebanon for only a few years until a comprehensive solution was devised.

But the government kept extending the deadlines for its closure.

“The issue of garbage and other problems highlight our viewpoint that a government of contradictions cannot build a country … We have our principled stances in political action and you have your bargains,” added Geagea, slamming the parties of the coalition government.

Turning to the issue of the stalled presidential vote, Geagea noted that “the obstruction of the elections cannot bring us a president, neither strong nor weak.”

“The road to Palestine does not go through the Baabda Palace, but the road to ending marginalization goes exactly through the Baabda Palace,” the LF added.

Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun, Geagea's electoral rival in the presidential race, has repeatedly called for the election of a so-called “strong Christian president.”

Aoun has also called for ending the “marginalization” of Christians in state institutions.


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