
Phalange Slams 'Multiplicity of Lebanon's Representation at U.N.'

The Phalange Party on Monday lauded President Michel Suleiman’s recent speech at the U.N. General Assembly, saying the president “stressed Lebanon’s commitment to international legitimacy and the Security Council resolutions.”

The party, however, criticized what it called “the multiplicity of Lebanon’s representation at the U.N. institutions during the current session, as it will be represented by the president, the premier (Najib Miqati), the foreign minister (Adnan Mansour) and Lebanon’s (permanent) envoy to the international organization” Nawwaf Salam.

In a statement issued after its political bureau’s weekly meeting, the party voiced concerns that “the Lebanese state might give the impression that it is divided and lacking a unified leadership that should be in charge of its domestic and foreign affairs.”

“The (1943) National Charter, the previous Lebanese constitution and the Taef constitution all limit Lebanon’s foreign representation at this level to the president of the republic, who is the guardian of the constitution and the country’s unity, and whenever he would attend any national or international meeting or occasion he would be voicing the state’s viewpoint and defining its national choices,” the party noted.

It also lauded Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas’ recent request for the U.N. to admit Palestine as a member state.

“The Phalange Party -- which has always stood by the Palestinian people and backed its legitimate rights -- wishes success for this preliminary step,” the party added.

“On this occasion, the politburo reiterates its call for the Arab and international communities to find a quick solution to the issue of Palestinian refugees … especially those residing in Lebanon,” it said, stressing that “it is the Lebanese state’s duty to lay out an urgent plan … to prevent any threat to Lebanon as the world tackles the issue of the Arab-Israeli conflict at a rapid pace.”

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