
Miqati Confirms Describing Hizbullah as 'Non-malignant' Tumor

Prime Minister Najib Miqati on Sunday confirmed remarks attributed to him by a WikiLeaks document about describing Hizbullah as a “tumor,” but stressed that his words were taken out of context and that he had described the Shiite party as a “non-malignant tumor.”

“Everything published by WikiLeaks about me is true, but some remarks were taken out of context. I did describe Hizbullah as a ‘tumor,’ but I stressed that it is a ‘non-malignant tumor’,” Miqati said in an interview on Al-Jadeed television.

Explaining his position, the premier noted that he considers “any act at the expense of the State as unacceptable and must be removed.”

As to the remarks attributed him by a WikiLeaks cable about Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, Miqati said: “I might have been asked about a certain stance related to General Aoun and answered it was a ‘joke.’”

The PM said he was “coming under fire” from both his allies and the opposition March 14 camp, but noted that his conscience was clear and that he knows what he wants.

“If you ask me about the ministers whose performance satisfies me the most in the cabinet I will say the two Hizbullah ministers,” he added.

Asked about the controversial issue of the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Miqati said “the debate on the issue of the STL must stop.”

“There is a U.N. resolution and a tribunal and the implementation of international resolutions should not be optional,” said Miqati, warning that “refraining from implementing the resolutions would pose risk to Lebanon and harm its image.”

“I will not give Israel any alibi by falling under sanctions and jeopardizing Lebanon as a result of failing to implement U.N. resolutions, and my government will abide by all the international resolutions,” the PM vowed.

Addressing Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s latest controversial remarks on the Syrian crisis, Hizbullah’s arms and the relations between Lebanon’s communities, Miqati said the patriarch’s remarks “on the Sunnis in Lebanon and Syria need clarification.”

“I will hold a lengthy meeting with him this week to hear his opinion,” he revealed.

Concerning a possible vote on a resolution on Syria at the U.N. Security Council, Miqati noted that Lebanon “cannot vote in favor of any resolution against Syria, but if a resolution was adopted we cannot be selective in implementing U.N. resolutions.”

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