
Salam Hopes Political Powers Reach Breakthrough to End Ongoing Crises

Prime Minister Tammam Salam expressed hope that the political arch-foes would reach a breakthrough regarding the political crises in the country, noting that it's the only way to resolve the controversial new pay hike for public employees.

“The solution lies in the agreement between the political powers to activate the work of the state,” Salam told An Nahar newspaper published on Wednesday.

He noted that political consensus would allow the election of a new head of state and the staging of the parliamentary elections, which would have a positive impact on the executive authority.

“The absence of accord paralyzes the state,” Salam added.

Lebanon plunged in a vacuum on May 25 when President Michel Suleiman's six-year term ended with MPs unable to find a successor over differences on a compromise candidate.

The presidential vacuum created a debate over the upcoming parliamentary polls as some blocs are calling for another extension while others are holding onto their stance to hold the elections after choosing a new president.

Asked about the latest Saudi grant to Lebanese security forces, Salam said: “The cabinet must approve it at the first place.”

“The accomplishment of the matter will be swift in order to confront the terror threatening the country.”

Head of al-Mustaqbal Movement and former premier MP Saad Hariri made a surprise return to Lebanon last week after three years abroad.

His trip follows his announcement that Saudi Arabia, one of his chief allies, would give $1 billion to shore up the army and security forces against jihadists.



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