
Suleiman: STL is a Step towards Holding Criminals Accountable for their Actions

President Michel Suleiman stressed on Wednesday Lebanon's commitment to international resolutions, while highlighting the importance of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in ending impunity in Lebanon.

He said on the eve of the beginning of the STL trial: “The tribunal is a step towards holding criminals accountable for their actions.”

“It will lead to the truth behind the crimes and it will make the assailants realize that they are not immune to justice,” he added.

Moreover, he stressed that the STL will also serve as a deterrent to others from committing future crimes.

“Justice will remain more powerful and effective than crime and murder,” he continued.

“Justice also preserves the safety of people and societies and acts as their sole safe haven,” he remarked.

Earlier on Wednesday, Suleiman had held talks on the government formation efforts with Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam and head of the Phalange Party Amin Gemayel.

The STL is set to try the suspects behind the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who was killed in a massive car bomb in Beirut on February, 14 2005.

The trial is set to kick off at The Hague on Thursday.

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