
Nasrallah: Some Points of March 14 Tripoli Proclamation are Declaration of War

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah criticized on Friday the March 14 camp's accusations against some Shiites in Lebanon of seeking to eliminate other powers in Lebanon.

He warned: “Such a proclamation is a declaration of war.”

He made his remark in reference to Sunday's March 14 Tripoli Proclamation that accused some Sunnis, Shiites, and Christians of adopting extremist positions in Lebanon.

Nasrallah added: “We do not want to wage a war with the March 14 camp. We have no time for them as our battle lies with Israel.”

The Hizullah secretary general made his speech during the commemoration of the assassination of party official Hassan al-Laqqis.

He continued: “The other camp is accusing us of seeking to eliminate the other, but its remarks are the ones that seek such goals.”

“Their proclamation views us as takfiris and murderers,” he warned.

Moreover, Nasrallah interpreted the March 14 camp's refusal to return to the national dialogue table and its rejection of Hizbullah in a new government as attempts to eliminate the party and the March 8 camp.

He later noted however that the Tripoli Proclamation could be viewed as part of the March 14 camp's media campaign against Hizbullah.

Commenting on recent regional developments, he stressed: “Our resistance takes place at battle and not elsewhere. We are proud of martyrdom, whether in combating Israel or takfiris or whether they were victims of assassinations.”

“We tell those questioning the resistance, its members and supporters, that they have barely scratched the surface of what we are capable of,” he warned.

“I could easily make a speech and call for general mobilization, but the recent developments indicate that we have no need for it,” he added.

Addressing efforts to form a new government, he said: “There is no such thing as a neutral cabinet in Lebanon as there are no longer any neutral candidates.”

He also warned against the formation of a de facto government, saying: “We do not advise anyone to take such a step.”

He therefore suggested the formation of a national unity government, which will ensure Lebanon's salvation.

Commenting on the 2014 presidential election, the Hizbullah chief remarked: “We cannot emphasize enough the importance of having a new president on May 25, 2014.”

“It is unfortunate however that instead of working to reach an agreement, the political powers are beginning to accuse each other of seeking presidential vacuum,” he added.

“I don't think that any side wants vacuum and Hizbullah adamantly rejects it. A new president should be elected on time and we will exert all efforts to achieve this goal.,” he said.

“The political powers can demonstrate their sovereignty through electing a president without relying on foreign forces,” he stressed.

“We would be paving the way for a new phase in Lebanon if we succeed in electing a new president without foreign influence. Such a success would mark a new independence day for the country,” he declared.

Turning to recent security incidents against the army, Nasrallah stated that “no one should make light of them.”

“All will be lost if the army is lost. All will be lost if the army's credibility is destroyed,” he warned.

“We must protect and support the army because it is the last remaining state institution that enjoys the consensus of the rival powers,” he added.

In addition, the Hizbullah chief warned that some sides, who he refused to name, “have had enough of their failures and frustrations and they now want to lead Lebanon towards chaos.”

“Take out your frustrations against Hizbullah, but not the whole of Lebanon,” he commented.

“Lebanese leaders and the media should be wary of the new danger facing the country. We must all be patient and avoid getting dragged into plans to lead Lebanon to chaos,” he cautioned.

Addressing Laqqis' assassination earlier in December, Nasrallah renewed Hizbullah's accusation that Israel was behind the crime, vowing that the party will “punish” it for it.

"The killers will be punished sooner or later... Those who killed our brothers will not know safety anywhere in the world," he said in the televised tribute to Laqqis.

"We and the Israelis have accounts that need settling. There are old and new debts between us," said Nasrallah.

Israel has denied involvement in the assassination.

Laqqis' "blood has not been spilt in vain... The punishment will come whenever we decide it," Hizbullah's secretary general added.

"The Israelis think that Hizbullah is busy (with Syria's war) and with the situation in Lebanon... I tell them: 'You're making a mistake,'" he said.

Thousands of Hizbullah troops are fighting alongside President Bashar Assad's troops, in a bid to crush a massive insurgency.

Laqqis was assassinated in the parking of his apartment building on December 4 in the southern suburbs of Beirut, a stronghold of Hizbullah.

Nasrallah said the top leader was "one of the brains of Hizbullah," though he refused to reveal his position in the party, though he did say his role was linked to his "work as a jihadist."

"He worked to develop (Hizbullah's) capacity," said Nasrallah, adding he was "a brother and a friend."

The last time a top Hizbullah leader was assassinated was in 2008, when Imad Mughnieh was killed in a Damascus car bomb blast.

Mughnieh's killing was also blamed on Israel, Hizbullah's sworn enemy, which denied involvement.

Source: Naharnet, Agence France Presse

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